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Private Blood Tests Prices

Pricing for Private Blood Tests at our Clinic in the UK

Here is the complete list of the blood testing services provided at our clinic, Blood London along with exact pricing and turnaround timing.

You will need to pay an extra £50 for blood taking or phlebotomy and the processing of your blood samples. The results will be assessed by our in-house doctors who will detect any abnormalities.

If you have to attend follow up consultations or need further treatment, we can help with the complete package of our services.

To conduct a blood test, you will have to schedule an appointment with our experienced doctors .

Allergy Profile 1 (Food & Inhalants) 1A (B)(B) 2 days 665.28
Allergy Profile 2 (UK Aero Allergen) 2A (B)(B) 2 days 366.85
Cytochrome P450 2C19 2C19 (A) [9] 10 days 543.38
Allergy Profile 3 (Food) 3A (B)(B) 2 days 332.35
Reproductive Immunophenotype Panel 3RF (H)(H)(H) 1 week 483.00
Triple Swab Female STI Profile (Vaginal/Throat/Rectal Swabs) (PCR) 3SWA PCR swab x 3 (label by site) 2 days 190.33
Triple Swab Female STI Profile (Vaginal/Throat/Rectal Swabs) (Self-collect) 3SWA Aptima multisite swab x 3 (label by site) 2 days 190.33
Allergy Profile 4 (Nuts & Seeds) 4A (B)(B) 2 days 470.35
NK Assay/Cytotoxicity Panel 4RF (H)(H)(H) 1 week 569.25
Allergy Profile 5 (Children’s Panel) 5A (B)(B) 2 days 332.35
Allergy – 5 x Single Individual Allergens 5AL (B) 2 days 181.13
Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase deficiency screening (Fluoropyrimidine Toxicity) 5FU (A) [9] 1-2 weeks 430.10
5’ Nucleotidase 5NT (B) 5 days 98.90
NK Assay Follow-Up Panel 5RF (H)(H)(H) 1 week 483.00
Allergy Profile 6 (Shellfish) 6A (B)(B) 2 days 299.00
TH1/TH2 Cytokine Ratio 6RF (H)(H)(H) [5] 1 week 446.20
Allergy Profile 7 (Finfish) 7A (B)(B) 2 days 299.00
Allergy Profile 8 (Cereal – singles) 8A (B)(B) 2 days 174.80
Haemophilia A (Factor VIII deficiency) – CVS 8CVS CVS [40] 3 days 750.38
Leucocyte Antibody Detection Panel FEMALE 8RF (B) 1 week 271.40
Allergy Profile 9 (Antibiotics) 9A (B)(B) 2 days 136.85
Haemophilia B (Factor IX deficiency) – CVS 9CVS CVS [40] 3 days 750.38
HLA DR Antigens 9RF (A)(A) 2 weeks 271.40
Allergy Profile 10 (Insects) 10A (B)(B) 2 days 212.75
Allergy – 10 x Single Individual Allergens 10AL (B) 2 days 350.18
HLA DQ Alpha Antigens 10RF (A)(A) 2 weeks 220.80
Allergy Profile 11 (Combined Shellfish/Finfish) 11A (B)(B) 2 days 239.78
11 Deoxycortisol 11DC (B) (Frozen) 10 days 224.25
HLA DQ Beta Antigens 11RF (A)(A) 2 weeks 220.80
Allergy Profile 12 (Milk & Milk Proteins) 12A (B)(B) 2 days 263.93
Allergy Profile 13 (Stone fruit/Rosaceae family) 13A (B)(B) 2 days 263.93
HLA A, B, C 14RF (A)(A) 2 weeks 337.53
NK Assay Panel + Intralipids 16RF (H)(H)(H) 1 week 708.98
16S rRNA Bacterial Gene 16S J 1 week 319.13
17 Hydroxyprogesterone 17OH (B) 5 days 138.00
KIR (Killer-like Immunoglobulin-like Receptors) Genotyping 17RF (A)(A)(A) 2-3 weeks 446.20
18S rRNA Fungal Gene 18S J 1 week 319.13
TH1/TH2 Cytokine Profile 1TH2 (H)(H)(H)* Send Mon-Thurs only 430.68
TH1/TH2 Intracellular Cytokine Ratios with IVIG, Prednisolone 20RF (H)(H)(H) [5] 1 week 934.95
21 Hydroxylase Ab’s 21HA (B) (Frozen) 10 days 272.55
TH1/TH2 Intracellular Cytokine Ratios with IVIG 21RF (H)(H)(H) [5] 1 week 748.08
TH1/TH2 Intracellular Cytokine Ratios with Prednisolone 22RF (H)(H)(H) [5] 1 week 748.08
T Regulatory Cells 25RF (H) 3 days 691.73
HLA-C 26RF (A)(A) 2 weeks 220.23
NK (CD69) and NK Cytotoxicity 69C (H)(H)(H)* Send Mon-Thurs only 900.45
NK Cytotoxicity with suppression with steroid, IVIg and intralipin, and NK (CD69) cell assay 69CI (H)(H)(H)* Send Mon-Thurs only 1058.58
Antithrombin Ill Activity A111 (C) (Frozen) [4] [9] [18] 3 days 94.88
ADAMTS-13 Antibody A13A (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] 2 weeks 149.50
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (Stool) A1AF RF 10 days 106.95
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (Serum) A1AT (B) 1 day 139.15
Alpha-1-Microglobulin A1MG RU [1] [22] 10 days 100.05
Alpha-2-Macroglobulins A2MG (B) 5 days 133.98
Anti-Phospholipase A2 Receptor AA2R (B) 6 weeks 121.90
Anti-Actin Antibodies AAA (B) 5 days 100.05
Atypical Antibody Screen (handwritten tube label) AASC (A) [22] [33] 2 days 67.28
Hepatitis A, B & C Profile ABC (B)(B) 1 day 346.73
Anti-Basal Ganglia Antibodies ABGA (B) 3 weeks 503.70
Amniocentesis – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) ABK AF [9] 5-15 days 756.70
Chromosome Analysis (Amniocentesis) – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) ABK AF [9] 5-15 days 756.70
Prenatal Diagnosis (BOBs + Culture) ABK or CBK AF / CVS [9] 3-5 days, 15 days 756.70
Blood Group † ABO (A) [22] [33] 2 days 74.18
AmnioBOBs only – rapid aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes + common microdeletion syndromes ABOB AF [9] 5 days 299.00
Cardiolipin Antibodies (IgG+IgM) ACAB (B) 2 days 94.88
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme ACE (B) 1 day 103.50
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme – CSF ACEF CSF (Frozen) 2 weeks 142.60
Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibodies ACRA (B) [4] 5 days 257.60
Acetone – Blood ACTB (A) or (H) 6 weeks 133.98
ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) ACTH (A) (EDTA on ice, Plasma, spun and frozen within 2 hours) [41] 1 day 161.00
Acetone – Urine ACTU RU 5 days 133.98
Adrenal Cortex Antibodies ACTX (B) 2 days 75.33
Amniocentesis culture (karyotype) only ACUL AF [9] 10-15 days 517.50
Chromosome Analysis (Amniocentesis) – culture only ACUL AF [9] 10-15 days 517.50
Adenosine Deaminase AD (A) / (B) / Fluid 3 weeks 345.58
Antidiuretic Hormone ADH (A)(A) (Plasma Frozen) [4] 10 days 188.03
Adiponectin ADIP (B) 2 weeks 274.85
Adenovirus by PCR ADV (A) / PCR / VS 7 days 323.15
Amoebic (E. histolytica) Antibodies AFAT (B) 1 week 62.10
Alpha-Fetoprotein AFP (B) 1 day 69.00
Gliadin Antibodies (IgG) (deamidated) (Venous) AGAB (B) 2 days 113.28
Glomerular Basement Membrane Abs AGBM (B) 2 days 88.55
Acute Viral Hepatitis Screen AHSC (B) 1 day 211.60
Hepatitis (Acute) Screen AHSC (B) 1 day 211.60
Hyaluronic Acid AHT (B) 1 week 84.53
Albumin ALB (B) 1 day 35.08
Anti-Liver Cytosol Antibodies ALCA (B) 5 days 92.00
Alcohol (Medical) ALCO (G) [1] 1 day 97.75
Alcohol Profile 2 ALCP (A)(A)(B)(B)(G) RU 5-7 days 311.65
Aldosterone ALDN (A) or (B) 5 days 158.70
Aldolase ALDO (B) 5 days 71.88
Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema Profile (14 allergens) ALEC (B)(B) 2 days 380.65
ALEX² Allergy Test (Venous) ALEX (B) (Serum) 3-4 days 380.65
Allergy – Individual Allergens ALLE (B) 2 days 48.30
Alkaline Phosphatase ALP (B) 1 day 35.08
Allergic Rhinitis/Asthma Profile ALRN (B)(B) 2 days 355.35
Leukaemia (Rapid Acute) DNA and RNA NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent ALRP (A) (3mL minimum) or bone marrow aspirate sample 3 days 824.55
ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) (SGPT) ALT (B) 1 day 35.08
Aluminium (Blood) ALUM [K] 7 days 92.00
Aluminium (Urine) ALUU RU 1-2 weeks 123.05
Amoebic (E. histolytica) PCR AMAG RF 2 days 63.25
Amenorrhoea Profile (Venous) AMEN (B) 1 day 172.50
Antimullerian Hormone (AMH) (Venous) AMH (B) 1 day 150.07
Amikacin Level (State dose) AMIK (B) [4] 1 day 139.15
Amino Acid (EDTA Plasma) AMIN (A) (Frozen EDTA Plasma) 7 days 414.58
Mitochondrial Antibodies AMIT (B) 3 days 62.10
Ammonia AMMO (A) (Frozen) [15] 1 day 108.68
Anti-MOG [Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein] Antibodies AMOG (B) 3 weeks 147.78
Amphetamines – Blood AMPB (B)(B) 5 days 104.65
Amitriptyline AMTR (A) [4] 5 days 132.25
Amylase (Venous) AMY (B) 1 day 59.23
Amylase lsoenzymes AMYI (B) 5 days 221.95
Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (titre & pattern) ANAB (B) 2 days 63.25
Anaemia Profile ANAE (A)(A)(B) 2 days 200.10
ANCA (Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Abs) ANCA (B) 2 days 133.98
Androstanediol Glucuronide ANDG (B) 3 weeks 167.90
Andropause Profile ANDP (B)(B) 1 day 212.75
Androstenedione ANDR (B) 5 days 108.68
Angiotensin II ANG2 (A) (Frozen plasma) 2 weeks 170.20
Antenatal Profile ANTE (A)(A) [33] (B)(B)(B)(G) 3 days 676.20
Antimony (Urine) ANTI RU [30] 10 days 121.90
Alcohol Profile AP (A)(B)(B)(G) 5-7 days 230.58
AP50 Alternative Hemolytic Complement AP50 (B) (Frozen) 2 weeks 156.40
AmnioPCR only – rapid common aneuploidy diagnosis by QF-PCR APC AF [9] 2 days 335.23
QF-PCR rapid common aneuploidy screen APC AF / (A) [9] 2 days 335.23
Amniocentesis – rapid PCR diagnosis for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) APCC AF [9] 2-15 days 748.65
Chromosome Analysis (Amniocentesis) – rapid PCR diagnosis for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) APCC AF [9] 2-15 days 748.65
Activated Protein C Resistance APCR (C) (Frozen) [4] [18] 3 days 124.78
Apolipoprotein E genotype – E2/E3/E4 APEG (A) [9] [11] 2 weeks 270.83
Alkaline Phosphatase lsoenzymes APIE (B) 5 days 139.15
Anti-Xa Apixaban Monitoring APIX (C) (Frozen)* [18] 3 days 138.00
Apolipoprotein A1 (Venous) APOA (B) 3 days 87.40
Apolipoprotein B (Venous) APOB (B) 3 days 87.40
Apolipoprotein C APOC (B) 3 months 104.65
Apolipoprotein E (12 hours fasting) APOE (B) (fasting) 5 days 106.95
Atypical Pneumonia Screen APS (B) 3 days 161.00
Pneumonia (Atypical) Screen APS (B) 3 days 161.00
Acid Phosphatase – Total APT (B) 5 days 60.38
Total Acid Phosphatase APT (B) 5 days 60.38
Aquaporin 4 Antibodies (Neuromyelitis Optica) AQUA (B) 2 weeks 317.40
Arbovirus Antibodies/Abs ARBO (B) [9] [14] 3 weeks 221.95
Arsenic (Blood) ARS (A) or (H) 5 days 96.03
Arsenic (Urine) ARSE RU [30] 5 days 96.03
Arylsulphatase A ARYL (H) [5] [6] 8 weeks 374.33
Anti-Sulfatide Antibodies ASA (B) 5 weeks 295.55
Sperm Antibodies (Serum) ASAB (B) 5 days 159.85
Ascariasis Serology ASC (B) 5 days 100.05
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibodies ASCA (B) 2 weeks 159.85
Anti-Streptolysin Titre/ASOT ASLT (B) 2 days 69.00
Smooth Muscle Antibodies ASMO (B) 2 days 62.10
Aspergillus Precipitins ASPP (B) 5 days 147.78
Aspartate Transaminase (AST) (SGOT) AST (B) 1 day 35.08
Anti-Staphylolysin Titre (SGOT) ASTT (B) 3 days 66.13
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Venous) AUAG (B) 1 day 60.38
Autoantibody Profile I AUTO (B) 2 days 174.80
Avian Precipitins (11 Species) AVIA (B) 5 days 424.93
Vitamin B12 (Active) (Venous) B12 (B) 1 day 81.08
Vitamin B12 (Active)/Red Cell Folate B12F (A)(B) 2 days 128.80
Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 Abs B2GP (B) 2 days 142.60
Beta 2 Microglobulin (Serum) B2MG (B) 2 days 111.55
Behcet’s Disease – HLA Tissue Typing B*51 B51 (A) [9] 10 days 276.58
HLA Tissue Typing B*51 (Behcet’s Disease) B51 (A) [9] 10 days 276.58
Bone Alkaline Phosphatase BALP (B) (Frozen) 2 weeks 138.00
BCR-ABL Diagnostic Assay BCRD (A) 2 weeks 451.95
BCR/ABL Quantitative – fusion gene sizes p190 + p210 BCRQ (A)(A) [9] 10 days 422.63
Blood Culture# BCUL 2 x BC [4] 6 days + 115.00
Benzene BENZ J [1] [6] 3 days 155.25
Hepatitis B (PCR) Genotype BGEN (A) or (B) 7 days 645.15
Beta-Glucuronidase (Sly Disease) BGLU (H)(H) [9] [4] 8 weeks 317.40
Bile Acids – Serum BILE (B) 1 day 76.47
Bilharzia (Schistosome) Antibody Screen BILH (B) [14] 10 days 133.98
Schistosome (Bilharzia) Antibodies BILH (B) [14] 10 days 133.98
Bilirubin (Total) BILI (B) 1 day 35.08
Total Bile Acid/Bile Salts BILS (B) 1 week 97.75
Biotin BIOS (B) [7] 5 days 177.10
Vitamin B7 (Biotin) BIOS (B) [7] 5 days 177.10
Biotinidase BIOT (H) (Frozen plasma) [4] 3 weeks 212.75
Bismuth BISM (B) 5 days 185.15
BK Polyoma Virus by PCR BKPV (A)/RU 5 days 271.40
Bone Marrow (Aspirate) BMAS J [1] 14 days 610.65
Bone Marrow (Trephine Biopsy) BMI J [1] 3 days 738.30
BNP (NT-pro BNP) BNP (B) 1 day 108.68
Bone Screen (Bloods only) BON2 (B) 1 day 148.93
Bone Screen BONE (B) CU 1 day 64.97
Borrelia Confirmation (Immunoblot) BORC (B) [9] [14] 10 days 403.65
Borrelia Antibodies (Lyme Disease) IgM BORM (B) 2 days 84.53
Lyme Disease (Borrelia Abs) IgM BORM (B) 2 days 84.53
Borrelia Antibodies (Lyme Disease) IgG, IgM BORR (B) [9] [14] 2 days 108.68
Lyme Disease (Borrelia Abs) IgG, IgM BORR (B) [9] [14] 2 days 108.68
Blood PCR for Chromosome 13, 18, 21 and sex chromosomes BPCR (A) 5 days 307.05
Bromide BROM (B) 3 days 170.20
Brucella Serology BRUC (B) [9] 2-3 weeks 113.28
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) (Calculated) BUN (B) 1 day 38.53
2-Butanone GC BUTA RU 7 days 177.10
CA 125 (Venous) C125 (B) 1 day 146.05
CA 15-3 C153 (B) 1 day 146.05
CA 19-9 C199 (B) 1 day 146.05
C1 Esterase Inhibitor C1EI (B) 5 days 106.95
Complement C1q C1Q (B) 5 days 87.40
Complement C2 C2 (B) 10 days 198.95
C3 Complement C3 (B) 1 day 0.00
Complement C3 C3 (B) 1 day 63.25
C4 Complement C4 (B) 1 day 63.25
Complement C4 C4 (B) 1 day 63.25
Complement C5 C5A (B) 2 weeks 198.95
Complement C6 C6 (B) (Frozen)* 5 weeks 92.00
Complement C7 C7 (B) (Frozen)* 5 weeks 92.00
CA 72-4 C724 (B) 5 days 156.40
Complement C8 C8 (B) (Frozen)* 5 weeks 93.15
Complement C9 C9 (B) (Frozen)* 5 weeks 92.00
Calcium (Venous) CA (B) 1 day 35.08
Colloid Antigen-2 Antibodies CA2A (B) 2 weeks 142.60
CA 50 CA50 (B) 5 days 181.13
Calcium/Creatinine Ratio CACR CU (B) 1 day 66.13
Cadmium (Blood) CADM (A) or (H) 5 days 96.03
Cold Agglutinin CAGG J [1] 5 days 76.47
Calcium + Vitamin D (Venous) CALD (B) 1 day 122.48
Calprotectin CALP QFIT sample collection device 5 days 111.55
Calprotectin (Self-collect) CALP QFIT sample collection device 5 days 111.55
Candida Antibodies CANA (B) 5 days 138.00
Candida (Culture for ID Only) CANC STM / CS 2-4 days 93.15
Candida (Culture for ID + Sensitivities) CAND STM / CS 2-4 days 93.15
Cannabinoids (Urine) Screen CANN RU 1 day 63.25
Candida auris Screen CANS STM / CS 2-4 days 118.45
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) CARB (B) 1 day 75.33
Tegretol (Carbamazepine) CARB (B) 1 day 75.33
Beta Carotene CARO (B) 5 days 159.85
Carotenes CARO (B) 5 days 159.85
Cat Scratch Fever (Bartonella IgG) CAT (B) 5 days 239.78
Catecholamines (Plasma) CATE (A)(A) (Plasma Frozen) [4] 5 days 142.60
Fluid Cytology CATF Fluid [4] 3 days 186.88
Calcitonin CATO (B) (Frozen) [4] 1 day 159.85
Cortisol Binding Globulin CBG (B) (Frozen) 1 month 147.78
Carboxyhaemoglobin CBHB (A) 1 week 96.03
Chromosome Analysis (Chorionic Villus) – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) CBK CVS [9] 5-15 days 756.70
CVSBOBs – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) CBK CVS [9] 5-15 days 756.70
CVSBOBs only – rapid aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes + common microdeletion syndromes CBOB CVS [9] 5 days 299.00
Voltage Gated Calcium Channel Antibodies CCAB (B) 3 weeks 309.35
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Urine (FCRU) CCG FCRU 2 days 92.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Urine (Self-collect) CCG Aptima urine 2 days 92.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea/Trichomonas – Urine CCGT FCRU 2 days 138.00
Anti-CCP Antibodies CCP (B) 2 days 62.10
CCP Antibodies (RF) CCP (B) 2 days 62.10
CD16 CD16 (A) [4] 1 day 142.60
CD19 B Cells CD19 (A) [4] 1 day 142.60
CD20 CD20 (A) [10] 2 days 155.25
CD25 CD25 (A) [10] 2 days 104.65
CD56 CD56 (A) [4] 1 day 100.05
CD57 CD57 (A) 1 day 138.00
NK (CD69) Cell Assay CD69 (H)* Send Mon-Thurs only 324.88
Carbohydrate Deficient Glycoprotein CDG (B) 2 weeks 337.53
Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT) (Venous) CDT (B) 3 days 185.15
Carcino Embryonic Antigen CEA (B) 1 day 92.00
Swab (Cervical) CERS STM / CS 2-4 days 93.15
Caeruloplasmin CERU (B) 1 day 66.13
Cystic Fibrosis (139 common variants) – reflex to Poly T when required CFS (A) [9] 5-7 days 378.93
Chromogranin A CGA (B) 1 week 188.03
Hepatitis C Genotype CGEN (A) or (B) 5 days 658.95
Array-CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridisation) SNP array CGH CVS / AF / (A)(H) [9] 10 days 945.88
Comparative Genomic Hybridisation (CGH) SNP array CGH CVS / AF / (A)(H) [9] 10 days 945.88
Postnatal SNP Array CGH CGH (A) (H) [9] 10 days 945.88
Prenatal SNP Array CGH CGH Amniotic fluid, CVS or POC [9] 10 days 945.88
Gonorrhoea – Urine CGON FCRU 2 days 92.00
CT/GC/Trichomonas/Mgen – Urine CGTM FCRU 2 days 138.00
CH50 (Classical pathway) CH50 (B) (Frozen) [4] 4 days 138.00
Chlamydia Species Specific (MIF) Ab Screen CHAB (B) 3 days 123.05
Chagas Disease Serology (S.American Trypanosomiasis) T. Cruzi CHGA (B) [9] [14] 10 days 173.65
Trypanosome (Chagas) Antibodies CHGA (B) [9] [14] 10 days 173.65
Chikungunya Virus Abs CHIK (B) [9] [14] 10 days 221.95
Anafranil (Clomipramine) CHLO (A) 7 days 139.15
Clomipramine (Anafranil) CHLO (A) 7 days 139.15
Cholesterol CHO (B) 1 day 32.20
Cholinesterase (Serum/Pseudo) CHPS (B) 1 day 64.97
Chromium (Blood) CHRO (A) / Trace metal / (H) 5 days 84.53
Citrate (Blood) CITR (B) 5 days 103.50
Campylobacter Jejuni Antibodies CJAB (B) 5 days 93.15
Protein 14.3.3 (Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease) CJD J 5 weeks 630.20
CK Isoenzymes CKIE (B) 5 days 139.15
CK (MB Fraction) CKMB (B) 1 day 58.08
Creatine Kinase (CK, CPK) CKNA (B) 1 day 41.40
Chloride CL (B) 1 day 29.90
Clobazam CLOB (A) 5 days 139.15
Clonazepam CLON (A) 7 days 125.93
Clostridium Difficile Toxin by PCR CLOS RF* 2 days 118.45
Coagulation Profile 2 CLOT (A)(C) [18] 1 day 125.93
Coagulation Profile 1 CLPF (C) [18] 1 day 96.03
Cytomegalovirus Avidity CMAV (B) 10 days 150.07
Cytomegalovirus (IgG/IgM) Antibodies CMV (B) 1 day 97.75
Cytomegalovirus (CMV-DNA) Amnio CMVD AF 5 days 300.15
CMV IgM Antibodies CMVM (A) (Plasma) or (B) (Serum) 1 day 156.40
Cytomegalovirus DNA (PCR) CMVP (A) 5 days 300.15
Cytomegalovirus Resistance CMVR (A) (6mls) 21 days 757.85
Cytomegalovirus (PCR) Urine CMVU RU 5 days 300.15
Cobalt (Blood) COB (A) 5 days 96.03
Cobalt (Urine) COBA RU [30] 5 days 96.03
C3/C4 Complement COMP (B) 1 day 104.65
Coombs (Direct Antiglobulin Test) COOM (A) 2 days 40.25
Copper (Serum) COPP (B) or [K] 5 days 71.88
Cortisol (Venous) CORT (B) 1 day 66.13
Cotinine (Serum) COT (B) 4 days 110.40
Cotinine (Urine) COTT RU 2 days 83.38
ADAMTS-13 Activity CP13 (C) (Frozen) [4] [18] 3 days 115.00
Chlamydia – Urine CPCR FCRU 2 days 92.00
C Peptide CPEP (B) 3 days 154.10
Chest Pain Profile CPP (B) STAT 158.70
Complex PSA (Prostate Specific Ag) CPSA (B) 3 days 92.00
Coenzyme Q10 CQ10 (B) 2 weeks 188.03
Creatinine Clearance CRCL (B) CU 1 day 63.25
Creatinine (including eGFR) (Venous) CREA (B) 1 day 35.08
C Reactive Protein (Venous) CRP (B) 1 day 62.10
Cryptosporidium Detection by PCR CRPA RF 2 days 93.15
Cryptococcal Antigen CRYC Serum or CSF 1 day 115.00
Cryoglobulins CRYO J [6] 10 days 69.00
CSF for Microscopy and Culture CSF 1.5ml CSF 1-3 days 102.93
Oligoclonal Bands CSFO 2ml CSF + (B) 5 days 299.00
Histamine Releasing Urticaria Test CURT (B) 3 weeks 196.65
Urticaria Test (Histamine Releasing) CURT (B) 3 weeks 196.65
Chromosome Analysis (Chorionic Villus) – rapid PCR diagnosis for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) CVPC CVS [1] [9] 2-15 days 706.10
CVS PCR for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) CVPC CVS [1] [9] 2-15 days 706.10
Chromosome Analysis (Chorionic Villus) – culture only CVSC CVS [1] [9] 10-15 days 517.50
Cyfra 21-1 CY21 (B) 4 days 228.28
Cystatin C CYCC (B) 5 days 120.18
Cyclosporin CYCL (A) 1 day 155.25
1,25 Vitamin D D3 (B) * 5-8 days 171.35
Vitamin D (1, 25 Dihydroxy) D3 (B) * 5-8 days 171.35
Bilirubin (Direct) DBIL (B) 1 day 35.08
D-Dimers (Fibrinogen Degradation Products) DDIT (C) [4] 1 day 83.38
Dengue Virus Serology DENG (B) [9] [14] 5 days 142.60
11 Deoxycorticosterone DEOX (B) 10 days 147.78
Fungal investigations (superficial/dermatophyte PCR test) DERM Skin, Hair, Nails 3-7 days 93.15
Skin Scrapings/Mycology by PCR DERM Send Sample 3-7 days 93.15
22q11 & 10p14 deletion (Di George Syndrome) – BOBs only DGB CVS / AF / (A) [9] 5 days 299.00
DiGeorge Syndrome (22q11 & 10p14) – BOBs only DGB CVS / AF / (A) [9] 5 days 299.00
22q11 & 10p14 deletion (Di George Syndrome) – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days) DGB, KARY CVS / AF / (A)(H) [9] 5-15 days 837.20
DiGeorge Syndrome (22q11 & 10p14 deletion) – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days) DGB, KARY CVS / AF / (A)(H) [9] 5-15 days 837.20
DHEA Sulphate (Venous) DHEA (B) 1 day 96.03
DHEA DHEX (B) 7-10 days 163.88
Dihydrotestosterone DHT (B)(B) 7 days 155.25
Diabetic Profile 2 DIA2 (A)(G) RU 2 days 142.60
Diabetic Profile 1 DIAB (A)(G) 1 day 74.18
Diamine Oxidase Activity DIAM (B) 2 weeks 113.28
Diazepam (Valium) DIAZ (A) 7 days 125.93
Valium (Diazepam) DIAZ (A) 7 days 125.93
Digoxin DIGO (B) 1 day 103.50
Diphtheria Antibodies DIPH (B) 5 days 100.05
DL1 Biochemistry Profile DL1 (B)(G) 1 day 57.50
DL10 Cardiovascular Risk Profile 1 DL10 (B)(B) 3 days 287.50
DL11 Cardiovascular Risk Profile 2 DL11 (B)(B)(B)(C) [34] 3 days 368.00
7 STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 Sample) DL12 FCRU / PCR Swab / TPV 2 days 161.00
7 STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 Sample) (Self-collect) DL12 Aptima urine or multisite swab 2 days 161.00
DL12 7 STI Profile by PCR (7 PCR Tests from 1 Sample) DL12 FCRU / PCR Swab / TPV or Aptima urine / multisite swab 2 days 161.00
DL12 7 STI Profile by PCR (7 PCR tests from 1 Sample) (Self-collect) DL12 Aptima urine or multisite swab 2 days 161.00
STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 sample) (Self-collect) DL12 Aptima urine or multisite swab 2 days 161.00
DL1L Biochemistry Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol DL1L (B)(G) 1 day 63.25
DL2 Biochemistry (24 Parameters) & Haematology Profile DL2 (A)(B)(G) 1 day 74.75
DL2L Biochemistry (24 Parameters) & Haematology Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol DL2L (A)(B)(G) 1 day 80.50
DL3 Haematology Profile DL3 (A) 1 day 36.80
DL4 Biochemistry (16 Parameters) & Haematology Profile DL4 (A)(B)(G) 1 day 69.00
DL4L Biochemistry (16 Parameters) & Haematology Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol DL4L (A)(B)(G) 1 day 74.75
DL5 Biochemistry & Haematology Postal Profile DL5 (A)(B)(G) 1 day 69.00
DL5L Biochemistry & Haematology Postal Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol DL5L (A)(B)(G) 1 day 74.75
DL6 General Well Person Profile DL6 (A)(B)(G) 1 day 149.50
DL6L General Well Person Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol DL6L (A)(B)(G) 1 day 155.25
DL7 Well Man Profile DL7 (A) (B) (G) 1 day 184.00
DL7L Well Man Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol DL7L (A) (B) (G) 1 day 189.75
DL8 Well Person Profile DL8 (A)(B)(G) 1 day 184.00
DL8L Well Person Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol DL8L (A)(B)(G) 1 day 189.75
DL9F Senior Female Profile 60+ DL9F (A)(B)(B)(G) RU [4] 2 days 448.50
DL9M Senior Male Profile 60+ DL9M (A)(B)(B)(G) RU [4] 2 days 437.00
Becker/Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – deletions/duplications DMD1 (A) [9] 10 days 827.43
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – deletions/duplications only DMD1 (A) [9] 10 days 827.43
Nucleic Acid Antigen Antibodies DNA (B) 2 days 92.00
DNA (Double Stranded) Antibodies IgG DNAA (B) 2 days 75.33
Hepatitis B DNA (Viral load) DNAB (A) or (B) 5 days 329.48
Zygosity Testing – comparative DNA profile DNAC (A) (From each twin and both parents) [9] 5 days 765.33
DNA Identity Profile – 15 STR markers DNAF (A) [9] [11] 10 days 458.85
Identity Profile (DNA) – 15 STR markers DNAF (A) [9] [11] 10 days 458.85
DNA (Single Stranded) Antibodies DNAS (B) 5 days 84.53
Drugs of Abuse Profile – Random Urine Sample/No Chain of Custody DOA RU 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation) 94.88
Drugs of Abuse Profile – Random Urine Sample/No Chain of Custody Plus Alcohol DOA3 RU 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation) 125.93
Drugs of Abuse Profile – With Chain of Custody* DOAL RU/CoC Collection Containers [1] [2] 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation) 150.07
Drugs of Abuse Profile – Without Chain of Custody DOAN RU [2] 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation) 121.90
Drugs of Abuse from Blood without Chain of Custody DOAP (B) 5 days 186.88
Doxepin Level (Sinequan) DOXE (A) or (H) 10 days 139.15
Sinequan (Doxepin) DOXE (A) or (H) 10 days 139.15
Dengue Fever PCR DPCR (A) or (B) [9] [14] 2 weeks 328.33
Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) – Urine DPD EMU 4 days 123.05
Propoxyphene DPRO RU 5 days 132.25
HLA Tissue Typing DRB1/3/4/5 DRB1 (A) [9] 10 days 276.58
Hepatitis Delta RNA DRNA (A) 5 days 329.48
Down Syndrome Risk Profile (2nd trimester) Quad DRP (B) DRP form [7] [8] 5 days 256.45
Down Syndrome Risk Profile with risk calculation first trimester DRP (B) DRP form + image of scan [7] [8] 5 days 256.45
Decidualization Score (DS) DSRF J (Contact lab) 2-3 weeks 734.85
Haemophilus ducreyi by PCR DUCR PCR 7 days 198.95
Phencyclidine (PCP) DUST RU 5 days 94.88
DVT/Pre-travel Screen DVT1 (A)(A)(B) [9] 5 days 329.48
Pre-Travel Screen (DVT) DVT1 (A)(A)(B) [9] 5 days 329.48
Oestrone E1 (B)(B) 4 days 123.05
Oestriol (Estriol) E3 (B)(B) 4 days 123.05
Swab (Ear) EARS STM 2-4 days (Culture) 8-9 days (Fungal) – same swab 93.15
Epstein-Barr Virus Antibodies IgG/IgM EBVA (B) 2 days 182.85
Epstein-Barr Virus PCR EBVQ (A) 5 days 177.68
Eosinophil Cationic Protein ECP (B) 7 days 151.23
Anti-Xa Edoxaban Monitoring EDOX (C) (Frozen)* [18] 3 days 228.28
Essential Fatty Acid Profile (Red Cell) EFAR (A) [4] 10 days 223.10
Echinococcus (Hydatid) Antibodies EFAT (B) [9] [14] 5 days 82.23
Hepatitis E RNA (PCR) EHEP (A) 2 weeks 263.93
Ehrlichiosis Antibodies EHRL (B) [9] [14] 10 days 138.00
Elastase (RF) ELAS RF 5 days 128.80
Elastase (Self-collect) ELAS Stool/faecal container 5 days 128.80
Electrolytes ELEC (B) 1 day 41.40
ELF/Enhanced Liver Fibrosis ELF (B) 5 days 234.60
Liver Fibrosis (Enhanced Liver Fibrosis ELF) ELF (B) 5 days 234.60
Eosin-5 Maleimide Dye binding test for Hereditary spherocytosis (EMA)* EMA (A) 2 days 190.33
Extractable Nuclear Antibodies (nRNP, Sm, Ro, La, Jo1, Scl70) CENP-B ENA (B) 2 days 87.40
Autoantibody Profile II ENDO (B) 3 days 165.03
Ziwig Endotest® ENDT Endotest saliva collection kit 25 days 977.50
Enteric Organism Rapid Detection (RF) EORD RF 2 days 257.60
Enteric Organism Rapid Detection (Self-collect) EORD Stool/faecal container 2 days 257.60
Gastrointestinal Pathogen Profile by PCR (Self-collect) EORD Stool/faecal container 2 days 257.60
Erythropoietin ERY (B) 4 days 105.80
ESR ESR (A) 1 day 38.53
Urine EtG (Ethyl glucuronide) ETG RU 1 week 129.95
Ethosuximide ETHO (A) 7 days 88.55
Swab (Eye) EYES STM 2-4 days 93.15
FXIII A Subunit F13S (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] 14 days 443.90
Factor IX Assay F1X (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] 5 days 147.78
Factor VIII Inhibiting Antibody F8IA (C)(C) [18] 2 weeks 147.78
Factor IX Inhibiting Antibody F9IA (C)(C) [18] 2 weeks 147.78
Factor XIII Assay FA13 (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] 5 days 366.85
Factor II Assay FAC2 (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] 5 days 94.88
Factor V Assay FAC5 (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] 5 days 94.88
Factor VII Assay FAC7 (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] 5 days 147.78
Factor VIII Assay FAC8 (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] 5 days 147.78
Complement Factor H FACH (B) 3 weeks 194.35
Farmers Lung Precipitins FARM (B) 5 days 131.10
Fasciola Hepatica Antibodies (Liver Fluke) FASC (B) 2 weeks 166.75
Full Blood Count FBC (A) 1 day 56.35
C1 Esterase: Function & Total FC1E (C)(C) (Plasma Frozen) [4] [18] 10 days 225.98
FAST CT/GC – Urine FCG FCRU 1 day 124.78
Faecal Sugar Chromatography FCRO RF (Frozen) 3 weeks 211.60
FAST Chlamydia – Urine FCT FCRU 1 day 124.78
Iron (TIBC included) (Venous) FE (B) 1 day 38.53
Ferritin (Venous) FERR (B) 1 day 96.03
Free Fatty Acids FFA (B) (Frozen) [1] 10 days 156.40
Faecal Fat (3 day) FFAT LF [6] 5 days 150.07
FAST Gonorrhoea – Urine FGN FCRU 1 day 124.78
Fibrinogen FIB (C) [4] [18] 1 day 51.18
Fibrotest (Liver Fibrosis) FIBT (B) 2 weeks 329.48
Liver Fibrosis Fibrotest FIBT (B) 2 weeks 329.48
Filaria (Lymphatic and Non-Lymphatic) Antibodies FIFA (B) [9] [14] 10 days 132.25
Blood Film Examination FILM (A) 1 day 41.40
Female Hormone Profile (Venous) FIP (B) 1 day 172.50
Fasting Insulin Resistance Index (FIRI) FIRI (B)(G) 1 day 98.90
FK506 (Tacrolimus/Prograf) FK5 (A) [4] 1-2 days 161.00
Tacrolimus/Prograf (FK506) FK5 (A) [4] 1-2 days 161.00
Faecal Lactoferrin FLAC RF 5 days 100.05
Insect/Worm/Ova/Cysts FLEA Send Specimen [9] [14] 5 days 120.75
Flecainide (Tambocor) FLEC (A) 5 days 147.78
FLT3-ITD and FLT3-TKD screening assay FLT3 (A) 24 hours 524.40
Synovial Fluid (for microscopy, crystals and culture) FLU2 SC††† 14 days 156.98
Respiratory PCR Panel (COVID-19, Flu A/B and RSV) (PCR) FLU4 PCR nasopharyngeal swab 2 days 269.68
Respiratory PCR Panel (COVID-19, Flu A/B and RSV) (Self-collect) FLU4 <p class=””p1″”>Aptima multisite swab of nose/throat 2 days 269.68
Fluid Culture FLUD SC 2-7 days 132.82
Pleural Fluid for Culture FLUP SC 7 days 132.82
Folate (Serum) FOLA (B) 1 day 60.38
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) – Serum FOLA (B) 1 day 60.38
Anti-Xa Fondapariux Monitoring FOND (C) Frozen)* [18] 3 days 127.08
Trimethylaminuria (Fish Odour Syndrome) FOS J 6 weeks 447.93
Porphyrin (Stool) FPOR RF [3] 3 weeks 151.23
Protein S Free Ag FPRS (C) (Frozen) [4] [9] [18] 3 days 81.08
FAST CT/GC – Rectal PCR Swab FRCG PCR Swab 1 day 124.78
Fructosamine FRUC (B) 1 day 55.20
FAST CT/GC – PCR Swab FSCG PCR Swab 1 day 124.78
FAST Chlamydia – PCR Swab FSCT PCR Swab 1 day 124.78
FAST Gonorrhoea – PCR Swab FSGN PCR Swab 1 day 124.78
FSH (Venous) FSH (B) 1 day 63.25
FAST Screen SHORT with Urine FSSC (B) FCRU 1 day 173.65
FAST Screen SHORT with Swab FSSS (B) PCR Swab 1 day 173.65
FAST Screen with Swab FSWS (B) PCR Swab 1 day 319.13
Free T3 (Venous) FT3 (B) 1 day 63.25
Free T4 (Venous) FT4 (B) 1 day 63.25
FAST CT/GC – Throat PCR Swab FTCG PCR Swab 1 day 124.78
Testosterone (Free) (Venous) FTES (B) 3 days 129.95
First Trimester Maternal Screen (PAPP-A/Free Beta-hCG) FTMS (B) 1 day 104.65
Fungal investigations (non-superficial extended culture) FUN All specimens other than Skin, Hair and Nails 3-21 days 93.15
Vitamin B (Functional) FUNC (A)(A) or (H) 5 days 170.20
FAST Screen with Urine FUSC (B) FCRU 1 day 319.13
Von Willebrand Profile FVWF (C)(C)(C) [4] [9] [12] 5 days 263.93
Factor X Assay FX (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] 5 days 189.18
Factor XI Assay FX1 (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] 5 days 147.78
Factor XII Assay FX11 (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] 5 days 147.78
Factor II Prothrombin – G20210A Variant FX2 (A) [9] 5 days 248.40
Factor V Leiden – G1691A Variant FX5 (A) [9] 5 days 248.40
G6PD G6PD (A) 4 days 116.15
Gabapentin GABA (B) [4] 5 days 117.88
Ganglionic Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies GACA (B) 9 weeks 136.85
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies (GAD 65) GAD (B) 5 days 185.15
Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase GAL1 (H) [5] [6] 2 weeks 296.70
Galactosidase – Alpha* GALA J* 6 weeks 360.53
Ganglioside GM1, GD1B, GQ1B Abs GANG (B) 5 days 279.45
Gastric Parietal Autoantibodies GASP (B) 2 days 62.10
Gastrin GAST (A) (Plasma frozen) 5 days 139.15
Group B Strep – Vaginal and Rectal (Self-collect) GBSX Blue gel Amies swab x2 3-5 days 63.25
Group B Strep – Vaginal and Rectal (STM) GBSX 2 x STM 3-5 days 63.25
21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia CYP21A2) . Requires patient informed consent GENE (A) [9] [11] 5 weeks 862.50
Gentamicin Assay GENT (B) [4] 1 day 132.25
Gamma GT GGT (B) 1 day 32.20
Growth Hormone (Fasting) GH (B) [7] [35] 1 day 71.88
HbA1c (Venous) GHB (A) 1 day 63.25
Globulin (Calculated) GLOB (B) 1 day 38.53
Glucagon GLUG (A) (Plasma) 10 days 257.60
Gluten Sensitivity Profile GLUT (A)(B)(B) 10 days 424.93
Gonorrhoea Culture – Cervix GONC CS ‡ ‡ ‡ 3-5 days 93.15
Gonorrhoea Culture – Other site GONO CS 3-5 days 93.15
Gonorrhoea Culture – Rectal GONR CS 3-5 days 93.15
Gonorrhoea Culture – Throat GONT CS 3-5 days 93.15
Gonorrhoea Culture – Urethral GONU CS 3-5 days 93.15
Granulocyte Immunology GRIM (A)(A) (or 2 x 6ml) (B) 2 weeks 515.20
Azoospermia – karyotype + Y deletions + cystic fibrosis screen (+ polyT(5T) when clinically relevant) GRP (A)(H) [9] 10-15 days 1076.97
Congenital Absence of Vas Deferens – karyotype + Y deletions + cystic fibrosis screen (+ polyT(5T) when clinically relevant) GRP (A)(H) [9] 10-15 days 1076.97
Genetic Reproductive Profile (Male) GRP (A)(H) [9] 10-15 days 1076.97
Male Genetic Reproductive Profile GRP (A)(H) [9] 10-15 days 1076.97
Coeliac/Gluten Sensitivity Profile GSA (B) 2 days 195.50
Gluten Sensitivity Evaluation GSA (B) 2 days 195.50
Coeliac/Gluten Genetic Profile 2 GSA2 (A)(B) 10 days 410.55
Gluten/Coeliac Genetic Profile 2 GSA2 (A)(B) 10 days 410.55
Glucose Tolerance Test/OGTT GTT 3 x (G), 3 x RU 1 day 184.00
Glucose Tolerance with Growth Hormone GTT + GHDF 3 x (B) [35], 3 x (G), 3 x RU 1 day 306.48
Glucose Tolerance Test (Extended) GTTE 5 x (G), 5 x RU 1 day 301.88
Glucose Tolerance with Insulin GTTI 3 x (B), 3 x (G), 3 x RU 1 day 457.70
Glucose Tolerance Test (Short) GTTS 2 x (G), 2 x RU 1 day 117.88
Glucose Tolerance Test (Extended Plus) GTTX 7 x (G), 7 x RU 1 day 338.10
Newborn Screening Panel GUTH J [1] 2 weeks 218.50
Gut Hormone Profile GUTP (A)(A) (Frozen within 15 minutes) [41] 3 weeks 422.05
Gardnerella vaginalis by PCR GVPC FCRU / PCR / TPV 2 days 106.95
HLA Tissue Typing A+B+C (Class I) HABC (A) [9] 10 days 713.58
Hepatitis A Immunity (IgG/IgM) HAIM (B) 1 day 62.10
Histoplasma Antigen HANT RU 3 days 202.40
Hantavirus Serology HANV (B) [9] 10 days 158.70
Haptoglobin HAPT (B) 5 days 87.40
Hepatitis A (IgM) HAVM (B) 1 day 59.23
Hepatitis A RNA by PCR HAVR (A) or (B) 3 weeks 281.75
Haemoglobin HB (A) 1 day 38.53
H. pylori Antigen – Stool (RF) HBAG RF 3 days 93.15
H. pylori Antigen – Stool (Self-collect) HBAG Stool/faecal container 3 days 93.15
Hepatitis B Core Antibody – Total HBC (B) 1 day 66.13
Hepatitis B Core Antibody – IgM HBCM (B) 1 day 66.13
Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase HBD (B) (Frozen) 1 week 103.50
Hepatitis E IgG/IgM HBE (B) 5 days 165.03
Haemoglobin Electrophoresis HBEL (A) 4 days 121.90
Thalassaemia Screen HBEL (A) 4 days 121.90
Hepatitis B Immunity (IgG) (Venous) HBIM (B) 1 day 62.10
H. pylori Antibodies (IgG) HBPA (B) 2 days 88.55
Hepatitis B Resistant Mutation HBRM (A) or (B) 7 days 414.58
Hepatitis C Antigen (Early detection) (Venous) HCAG (B) 1 day 75.33
Down Syndrome Risk Bloods only (Risk to be calculated by clinician) HCGF/PAPA (B) 1 day 104.65
HCG (Oncology) HCGQ (B) 1 day 69.00
Bicarbonate HCO3 (B) 1 day 29.90
C Reactive Protein (High Sensitivity) (Venous) HCRP (B) 1 day 62.10
Homocysteine (Urine) HCYS CU 2 weeks 156.40
Hepatitis Delta Antigen HDAG (B) 5 days 179.40
HDL Cholesterol HDL (B) 1 day 51.18
HIV 1 & 2/p24Ag (Venous) HDUO (B) 1 day 66.13
HIV Screening: HIV1 & 2 Abs/p24 Ag (4th Gen) HDUO (B) 1 day 66.13
HE4 + ROMA (Earlier Detection of Ovarian Tumour) HE4 (B) 1 day 159.85
Hepatitis A Profile HEPA (B) 1 day 98.90
Hepatitis B Profile HEPB (B) 1 day 158.70
Hepatitis C Antibodies (Venous) HEPC (B) 1 day 121.90
Hepatitis Delta Antibody HEPD (B) 5 days 139.15
Hepatitis B ‘e’ Antigen and Antibody HEPE (B) 1 day 142.60
Hepatitis G (PCR) HEPG (A) (Frozen plasma) 2 weeks 245.53
Herpes Simplex I/II by PCR (Thin Prep) HERD TPV 5 days 106.95
Herpes Simplex I/II by PCR (Urine) HERD FCRU 5 days 106.95
Herpes Simplex I/II IgM HERM (B) 2 days 92.00
Herpes Simplex I/II Antibody Profile (IgG) HERP (B) 2 days 92.00
Herpes Simplex (HSV) 1 & 2 – Genital lesion (Self-collect) HERS Aptima multisite swab 5 days 106.95
Herpes Simplex (HSV) 1 & 2 – Oral lesion (Self-collect) HERS Aptima multisite swab 5 days 106.95
Herpes Simplex (HSV) 1 & 2 (PCR) (Oral or Genital) HERS PCR 5 days 106.95
Human Herpes Virus – 6 by PCR HHV6 (A) 5 days 208.73
Human Herpes Virus – 8 (IgG) HHV8 (B) 10 days 119.03
Haemophilus B Influenzae Antibodies HINF (B) 5 days 132.25
Hirsutism Profile HIRP (B) 1 day 212.75
Histone Antibodies HISA (B) 5 days 128.80
Histoplasmosis HISP (B) 10 days 173.65
Histamine (Blood) HITT (A) (Frozen plasma) 5 days 158.70
Histamine (Urine) HITU RU 5 days 158.70
HIV-1 RNA Viral Load by PCR HIV1 (A)(A) (2 x 6ml) 3 days 211.60
HIV-2 RNA by PCR HIV2 (A) 10 days 408.25
HIV Confirmation of Positive Screens (3 methodologies) HIVC (B) 1 day 159.85
HIV-1 Genotypic Resistance (RT & Protease) HIVD (A)(A) (2 x 6ml) 21 days 779.70
HIV-1 Proviral DNA HIVP (A) 7 days 496.23
HLA B*57:01 HL57 (A) [9] 10 days 401.35
HLA Tissue Typing B*57:01 high resolution HL57 (A) [9] 10 days 401.35
HLA Tissue Typing A HLA (A) [9] 10 days 276.58
HLA B27 HLAB (A) [9] 3 days 256.45
HLA Tissue Typing B*27 only HLAB (A) [9] 3 days 256.45
HLA Tissue Typing A/B/DRB1/3/4/5 HLAF (A) [9] 10 days 713.58
HLA Tissue Typing B HLB (A) [9] 10 days 276.58
HLA Tissue Typing A+B HLBA (A) [9] 10 days 437.00
HLA Tissue Typing C HLC (A) [9] 10 days 276.58
HLA Tissue Typing DRB1/3/4/5/DQB1 (Class II) HLDQ (A) [9] 10 days 437.00
HLA Tissue Typing A/B/DRB1/3/4/5/DQB1 HLF (A) [9] 10 days 786.60
HLA Tissue Typing A/B/C/DRB1/3/4/5/DQB1 (Class I & II) HLFC (A) [9] 10 days 932.08
Haemochromatosis – HFE common variants C282Y + H63D HMD (A) [9] 3 days 269.68
HFE gene (Haemochromatosis) – common variants C282Y + H63D HMD (A) [9] 3 days 269.68
Homocysteine (Quantitative) HOMO (B) [17] or (A) (Plasma) 1 day 111.55
HPV (28 individually typed LR & HR DNA subtypes) HP20 TPV 3 days 132.25
H. pylori Culture HPCU J 1 month 252.43
HPV (A group of 14 HR mRNA types) HPVH TPV 3 days 84.53
HPV (28 individually typed low risk (LR) & high risk (HR) DNA subtypes and reflexed mRNA for types 16, 18, 31, 33 and 45) HPVT TPV 5 days 167.90
HPV (19 high risk DNA subtypes, reported as types 16, 18 or Others) (Self-collect) HPVY Qvintip vaginal swab 3 days 84.53
HPV (Individually typed high risk DNA subtypes) (Self-collect) HPVZ Qvintip vaginal swab 3 days 132.25
HRT Profile 1 HRT (B) 1 day 129.95
HRT Profile 2 HRT2 (B)(G) 1 day 197.80
Haemosiderin (Urine) HSID EMU 2 weeks 128.80
NK Cytotoxicity Assay HSNK (H)(H)(H)* Send Mon-Thurs only 760.15
HTLV by PCR HTLP (A) 21 days 408.25
HTLV 1 & 2 Abs. (Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type I-II) HTLV (B) 1 day 76.47
Human Herpes Virus – 8 by PCR HV8D (A) 5 days 235.75
Homovanillic Acid (HVA) HVA PU 5 days 121.90
HVS HVS STM / CS 2-4 days 93.15
Bilirubin (Indirect) IBIL (B) 1 day 35.08
Islet Cell Antibodies ICAB (B) 3 days 82.23
Ionised Calcium ICPA (B) 5 days 62.10
Intrinsic Factor Antibodies IFAB (B) 2 days 124.78
Immunoglobulin A IGA (B) 1 day 50.03
Immunoglobulin D IGD (B) 5 days 86.25
IgE (Total) IGE (B) 1 day 69.00
Immunoglobulin E – Total IGE (B) 1 day 69.00
Total IgE IGE (B) 1 day 69.00
Total Immunoglobulin E IGE (B) 1 day 69.00
Insulin-Like Growth Factor 2 IGF2 (B) [6] 1 month 369.73
IGF-BP3 IGF3 (B) (Frozen) [4] 5 days 138.00
Immunoglobulin G IGG (B) 1 day 50.03
B cell Clonality Assay (IgH and IgK) IGHA (A) or FFPE 2 weeks 510.60
Immunoglobulin M IGM (B) 1 day 50.03
IgVH variant analysis for CLL IGMU (A) 4 weeks 510.60
IgG Subclasses IGSC (B) 5 days 279.45
Immunofluorescence in Skin Biopsies IHCS Skin sample in Michels solution 2 weeks 613.53
Interleukin 10 IL10 (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] 1-2 weeks 433.55
Interleukin 2 IL2 (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] 1-2 weeks 261.63
Interleukin 28b Genotype IL28 (A) 2 weeks 502.55
Interleukin 4 IL4A (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] 1-2 weeks 261.63
Interleukin 6 IL6 (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] 1-2 weeks 261.63
Interleukin 8 IL8 (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] 1-2 weeks 410.55
Interleukin 1 Beta ILB (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] 1-2 weeks 261.63
C1q Binding Immune Complex IMCP (B) 5 days 121.90
Immune-Complexes IMCP (B) 5 days 121.90
Imipramine IMIP (A) [4] 4 days 117.88
Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA) IMM (B) 1 day 100.05
Erectile Dysfunction Profile IMPO (A)(B)(B)(G) 3 days 281.75
Impotence Profile IMPO (A)(B)(B)(G) 3 days 281.75
Insulin Antibodies INAB (B) 5 days 116.15
Inhibin A INIA (B) 1 month 194.35
Inhibin B INIB (B) (Day 3 of cycle, frozen) 5 days 172.50
Insulin INSU (B) [4] [7] 1 day 69.00
HIV-1 Genotypic Resistance (Integrase) INTE (A)(A) ( 2 x 6ml) 21 days 779.70
Iodine – Serum IODI (B) 1 week 133.98
Iron Overload Profile IOP (A)(B) [9] 3 days 346.73
ISAC Panel (Venous) ISAC (B) 3 days 380.65
Iron Status Profile (Venous) ISP (B) 1 day 111.55
IUCD for Culture IUCD Send Device 11-12 days 93.15
JC Polyoma Virus by PCR JCPV (A) / CSF 5 days 271.40
Potassium K (B) 1 day 32.20
Chromosome Analysis (Blood) KARY (H) [9] 2-3 weeks 539.35
1p36 Deletion Syndrome – karyotype + CGH KARY, FISH CVS / AF / (H) [9] 12-17 days 974.63
Phelan-McDermid Syndrome – karyotype + FISH KARY, FISH CVS / AF / (H) [9] 12-17 days 974.63
APTT/KCCT KCCT (C) [18] 1 day 50.03
Ketamine Screen KETA RU 7-10 days 177.10
Lactose Intolerance Gene LACG (A) 2 weeks 189.75
Lactate (Plasma) LACT (G) [16] 1 day 94.88
Lamotrigine LAMO (B) [4] 5 days 139.15
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) LDH (B) 1 day 41.40
LDL7 Subfractions LDL7 (B) 10 days 297.85
Lysosomal Enzyme Screen LE J [1] 2 months 896.43
Lead (Blood) LEAD (A) 5 days 71.88
Legionella Urine Antigen LEGA Urine with boric acid 1 day 119.60
Legionella Antibodies LEGO (B) 3 days 96.03
Leishmania Antibodies LEIS (B) 5 days 76.47
Lipoprotein Electrophoresis LEL (B) 5 days 98.90
Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Abs (IgM) LEP (B) 5 days 142.60
Leptin LEPT (B) (height &amp; weight required) [19] 5 days 188.03
Levetiracetam (Keppra) LEVE (B) [4] 3 days 147.78
Liver Function Tests (Venous) LFT (B) 1 day 63.83
Lymphogranuloma Venerium (LGV) – Rectal (Self-collect)* LGVP Aptima multisite swab 1-2 weeks 136.85
Lymphogranuloma Venerium (LGV) (PCR) LGVP PCR* [42] 1-2 weeks 136.85
Luteinising Hormone (LH) (Venous) LH (B) 1 day 63.25
HIV Rapid RNA HIV-1 QUALITATIVE LHIV (A) (Vacutainer only) 1 day 211.60
Rapid Xpert HIV-1 RNA Qualitative – Early Detection from 10 days LHIV (A) (Vacutainer only) 1 day 211.60
Lipase (Venous) LIPA (B) 1 day 66.13
Lipid Profile (Venous) LIPP (B) 1 day 63.83
Lithium LITH (B) 1 day 59.23
Liver Immunoblot LIVI (B) 3 days 212.75
Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibodies LKM (B) 2 days 62.10
Leukaemia Fusion Gene Screening Assay (Q30) LMPX (A) 24 hours 692.88
Anti-Xa LMWH Monitoring LMWX (C) (Frozen)* [18] 3 days 127.08
Lorazepam LORA (A) [4] 10 days 82.23
Lipoprotein (a) (Venous) LPOA (B) 1 day 70.15
Lactate Pyruvate Ratio LPR J [1] 4-6 weeks 166.75
Anti-SLA (Soluble Liver Antigen) Abs LSA (B) 5 days 142.60
LSD LSD RU 5 days 138.00
Lysosomal Storage Disorders NGS Panel – full gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent LSDS (A)(A) [9] 4-6 weeks 1078.13
Leukotriene E4 LTE4 CU (Frozen) 3 weeks 515.20
Lactose Tolerance Test LTT By appointment only 1 day 175.38
Hughes Syndrome LUPA (B)(C)(C) [4] [18] 2 days 133.98
Lupus Anticoagulant and Anticardiolipin Abs LUPA (B)(C)(C) [4] [18] 2 days 133.98
Lupus Anticoagulant only LUPC (C)(C) [9] [18] 2 days 87.40
Leukaemia Immunophenotyping LYPT (A) [4] [5] 5 days 666.43
Lysozyme LYSO (B) 5 days 103.50
CD3/CD4/CD8 LYSS (A) 1 day 295.55
Lymphocyte Subsets (CD3/CD4/CD8) LYSS (A) 1 day 295.55
Pyruvate Kinase (M2-PK) M2PK (A) (Frozen plasma) [7] 5 days 114.43
Pyruvate Kinase (M2-PK) M2ST RF [4] 5 days 114.43
Myelin Associated Glycoprotein Antibodies MAG (B) 5 days 373.18
Malarial Antibodies (Pl. falciparum) MALA (B) [9] [14] 5 days 88.55
Malarial Parasites MALP (A) [4] [9] [14] STAT 71.88
Malarial Antibodies (species specific) MALS (B) [9] [14] 10 days 114.43
Manganese (Serum) MANG (B) 5 days 92.00
MBOCA in Urine MBOC RU 10 days 138.00
Myelin Basic Protein Antibodies MBPA (B) 2 weeks 121.90
Mean Cell Volume (MCV) MCV (A) 1 day 41.40
Carbapenemase producing organism screen MDR STM (rectal) 4-5 days <sup>‡</sup> 133.98
Measles Antibodies (IgM) MEAM (B) [9] 2 days 87.40
Measles PCR MEAP Buccal swab 48 hours 169.05
Measles Antibodies (IgG) Immunity MEAS (B) 1 day 87.40
Melatonin (Serum) MEL (B) (Frozen) 5 days 117.88
Meningococcal Serology (only serogroup C) MENI (B) 6 weeks 117.88
Menopause Profile (Venous) MENO (B) 1 day 172.50
Mercury (Blood) MERC (A) or (H) 5 days 71.88
MERS Coronavirus Test MERS J 1 day 212.75
Methaqualone METQ RU 5 days 48.30
Metronidazole Level METR (B) [4] 10 days 117.88
Metabolic Syndrome Profile METS (A)(B)(B)(G) 9 days 344.43
Methotrexate METX (B) 2 days 167.90
Magnesium (Serum) MG (B) 1 day 50.03
Myasthenia Gravis Evaluation MGE (B) 5 days 198.95
Mycoplasma genitalium by PCR MGEN FCRU / PCR / TPV 2 days 106.95
Mycoplasma genitalium by PCR – Urine and Vaginal (Self-collect) MGEN Aptima urine or multisite swab 2 days 106.95
Macrolide Resistance Test (Mgen) MGR FCRU / PCR 1-2 weeks 230.58
Mycoplasma genitalium Resistance – Urine or Vaginal (Self-collect) MGR Aptima urine or multisite swab 1-2 weeks 230.58
Microfilaria Blood Film MICF (A) STAT 43.70
Mineral Screen MINE (B)[K] 5 days 228.28
Male Hormone Profile MIPR (B) 1 day 211.60
Methylmalonic Acid – Urine MMA CU 2 weeks 167.90
Methylmalonic Acid – Serum MMAS (B) 5 days 268.52
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) MMR (B) 1 day 186.88
Stool for OVA Cysts & Parasites by Microscopy MOCP RF 2 days 48.30
Molybdenum (Serum) MOLY (B) 5 days 90.28
Malarial Parasites (visa, non-urgent) MP48 (A) 2 days 71.88
Pneumocystis jiroveci (PJP) PCR MPCP SC BAL‡‡ 2-3 days 120.75
Mycoplasma species – DNA MPCR (A) 5 days 260.48
Myeloproliferative Neoplasm NGS Screening Panel . Requires patient informed consent MPNS (A) (3mL minimum) or bone marrow aspirate sample 1 week 634.23
Myeloperoxidase Antibodies MPO (B) 2 days 70.15
Mucopolysaccharides MPS RU (Frozen) 3 weeks 161.00
MPOX (Virus) – Lesion (Self-collect) MPXV Aptima multisite swab 2 days 152.38
MRSA (Rapid PCR) one swab per site x 2 MRS2 Blue liquid Amies swab x 2 1 day 177.68
MRSA PCR (Self-collect) – Nose/Groin MRS2 Purple liquid Amies swab x2 1 day 177.68
MRSA (Rapid PCR) one swab per site MRSA Blue liquid Amies swab 1 day 89.13
MRSA Culture one swab per site MRSW Blue liquid Amies swab 2 days 63.83
MRSA Culture one swab per site x 2 MRW2 Blue liquid Amies swab x 2 2 days 127.08
MRSA Culture (Self-collect) – Nose/Groin MRW2 Purple liquid Amies swab x2 2 days 127.08
STI Profile: MSM1 (Venous) MSM1 (B) / FCRU / PCR Swab Throat / PCR Swab Rectal 2 days 248.40
STI Profile: MSM2 (Venous) MSM2 (B) / FCRU / PCR Swab Throat / PCR Swab Rectal 3 days 511.75
Testosterone (Total), LC MS Mass Spec MSTT (B) 5-7 days 129.95
Total Testosterone, LC MS Mass Spec MSTT (B) 5-7 days 129.95
Chromogranin A & B MTAB (A) (Frozen plasma) 3 weeks 329.48
MTHFR – common C677T + A1298C variants MTHF (A) [9] 5 days 276.58
Mitochondrial Antibodies M2 MTM2 (B) 2 days 272.55
Mumps Antibodies (IgM) MUMM (B) 1 day 87.40
Mumps Antibodies (IgG) MUMP (B) 1 day 87.40
Mycoplasma genitalium/Ureaplasma by PCR MUPC FCRU / PCR / TPV 2 days 138.00
Anti-MUSK Antibodies MUSK (B) 2 weeks 392.15
Myeloid Gene Panel . Requires patient informed consent MVPS (A) (3mL minimum) or bone marrow aspirate sample 2 weeks 760.73
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM and IgG MYCO (B) 2 days 77.63
Mycophenolic Acid (Cellcept) MYCP (A) 5 days 167.90
Myeloma Screen MYEL (A)(B)(G) 5 days 184.00
Myocardial Antibodies MYO (B) 1 week 94.88
Myositis Panel MYOS (B) 3 days 138.00
Sodium NA (B) 1 day 32.20
Swab (Nasal) NASS STM 2-4 days 93.15
Suppression with steroid, IVIg and intralipin, NK (CD69) cell assay, TH1/TH2 cytokines NCIT (H)(H)(H)(H)* Send Mon-Thurs only 1216.70
COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) (PCR) NCOV PCR Swab (nasal/pharyngeal) 1 day 215.05
COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA by PCR (Self-collect) NCOV Aptima multisite swab of nose/throat 1 day 215.05
Neuronal Antibody (Hu, Ri, Yo, Cv2, Ma2) NEUR (B) 10 days 357.65
Nickel (Serum) NICK (B) 5 days 90.28
Nickel (Urine) NICU RU 4 weeks 96.03
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) – common aneuploidy screening from maternal blood NIPT J / Special tube [1] 2-4 days 339.25
NK Cytotoxicity with suppression, steroid, IVIg & Intralipin NKCY (H)(H)(H)* Send Mon-Thurs only 970.03
Natural Killer Profile 2 NKP2 (A) [10] 2 days 324.88
NMDA Receptor Antibodies NMDA (B) 3 weeks 262.77
Neurone Specific Enolase NSE (B) 5 days 211.60
Needle Stick Injury Profile NSI (B)(B) 1 day 220.80
Neurological Viral Screen NVIR (B)(B) 2 days 218.50
Cryptosporidium OCP RF 2 days 93.15
Oestradiol-17-Beta (Venous) OEST (B) 1 day 63.25
Olanzapine OLAN (A) [4] 5 days 147.78
PEth (Phosphatidylethanol) (Venous) PETH (A) 5-7 days 129.95
Platelet Function Test Screen – PFA-100/200 PFAT J** [1] 1 day 190.33
Phenobarbitone PHB (B) 1 day 75.33
Epanutin (Phenytoin) PHEN (B) 1 day 75.33
Phenytoin (Epanutin) PHEN (B) 1 day 75.33
Leukaemia/Lymphoma RNA Sequencing (Fusion Gene and SNV/Indel) Panel . Requires patient informed consent PHFP (A) 2 weeks 1078.13
Phosphate PHOS (B) 1 day 32.20
Anti-Phosphatidylserine Antibodies PHTS (B) 5 days 173.65
Pituitary Function Profile PITF (B)(B) [7] 1 day 234.60
Pituitary Antibodies PITU (B) [4] 1 month 119.03
Lp-PLA2 (PLAC) Test PLA2 (B) 2 days 142.60
PLAC Test (Lp-PLA2) (Venous) PLA2 (B) 2 days 142.60
Platelet Aggregation Studies PLAG J** [9] 3 days 385.25
Plasminogen PLAS (C) (Frozen plasma) [4] 5 days 103.50
Metanephrines (Plasma) PMET (A) (Frozen plasma, must be frozen within 2 hours) 7 days 207.58
Pneumococcal Antigen PNAG Urine with boric acid 1 day 120.75
Pneumococcal Antibody Screen PNEU (B) 5 days 129.95
Glycogen storage disease type 2 (Pompe) variant analysis POMP (A) 4 weeks 1193.13
Porphyrin (Blood) PORP (A) [3] 15 days 263.93
Porphyrin Full Screen (Total: Urine, Stool, Blood) PORS (A) RU, RF [3] 3 weeks 599.73
Oxalate (Plasma) POXA (A) (Frozen) 7 days 121.90
Pancreatic Peptide PP J 4 weeks 266.80
Screening Profile 1 – Biochemistry PP1 (B)(G) 1 day 153.53
Cardiovascular Risk Profile 1 PP10 (B)(B) 3 days 416.88
Screening Profile 10 – Cardiovascular Risk 1 PP10 (B)(B) 3 days 416.88
Cardiovascular Risk Profile 2 PP11 (B)(B)(B)(C) [34] 3 days 502.55
Screening Profile 11 – Cardiovascular Risk 2 PP11 (B)(B)(B)(C) [34] 3 days 502.55
7 STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 Sample) PP12 TPV 2 days 340.98
Screening Profile 12 – Sexual Health Screen PP12 FCRU / PCR / TPV 2 days 340.98
Screening Profile 2 – Haematology/Biochemistry PP2 (A)(B)(G) 1 day 211.60
Haematology Profile PP3 (A) 1 day 66.70
Screening Profile 3 – Haematology PP3 (A) 1 day 66.70
Screening Profile 4 – Haematology/Biochemistry (Short) PP4 (A)(B)(G) 1 day 202.98
Screening Profile 5 – Haematology/Biochemistry (Postal) PP5 (A)(B)(G) 1 day 202.98
Screening Profile 6 – Well Person PP6 (A)(B)(G) 1 day 277.73
Screening Profile 7 – Well Man PP7 (A)(B)(G) 1 day 343.28
Screening Profile 8 – Well Person PP8 (A)(B)(G) 2 days 343.28
Screening Profile 9F – Senior Female PP9F (A)(B)(B)(G) RU [4] 2 days 613.53
Screening Profile 9M – Senior Male PP9M (A)(B)(B)(G) RU [4] 2 days 641.70
Prostate Profile (Total & Free PSA) PR2 (B) 1 day 111.55
Proteinase 3 Ab PR3 (B) 2 days 69.00
Protein C Activity PRC (C) (Frozen) [4] [9] [18] 3 days 81.08
Procollagen 3 Peptide PRCO (B) 5 days 192.63
Pregnancy Test (Urine) PREG RU 1 day 46.58
Pregnenolone PREN (B) 15 days 142.60
Paragomius Serology PRGM (B) 2 weeks 163.88
Mysoline (Primidone) PRIM (B) [4] 3 days 88.55
Primidone (Mysoline) PRIM (B) [4] 3 days 88.55
Macroprolactin PRLD (B) 4 days 299.00
Prolactin (Macro) PRLD (B) 4 days 299.00
Propanalol PRO (B) [4] 7 days 132.25
Progesterone (Venous) PROG (B) 1 day 63.25
Proinsulin PROI (A) (Frozen plasma) [4] 5 days 286.93
Prolactin (Venous) PROL (B) 1 day 63.25
Miscarriage/Thrombotic Risk Profile PROP (A)(A)(B)(C)(C)(C) [18] 5 days 874.00
Thrombotic Risk Profile PROP (A)(A)(B)​​(C)(C)(C) [18] 5 days 874.00
Protein Total (Blood) PROT (B) 1 day 32.20
Fluoxetine (Prozac) PROZ (A) [4] 5 days 147.78
Protein Electrophoresis incl. immunoglobulin PRTE (B) 5 days 129.95
Protein S Activity PS1 (C) (Frozen) [4] [9] [18] 5 days 78.78
Prostate Specific Antigen (Total) (Venous)* PSPA (B) 1 day 82.23
Parathyroid Antibodies PTHA (B) 3 weeks 113.28
Parathyroid Hormone (Whole) PTHI (A) [4] 1 day 144.32
INR PTIM (C) [18] 1 day 35.08
Prothrombin Time PTIM (C) [18] 1 day 35.08
Parathyroid Related Peptide PTRP 2ml (A) Plasma frozen (Freeze immediately) [1] 2 weeks 189.18
Post-Travel Screen 1 (Up to 6 weeks post travel) PTS (A)(A)(B)(G) [14] 10 days 309.35
Post-Travel Screen 2 (6 weeks after travel) PTS2 (A)(A)(B)(B)(B)(G) [14] 10 days 581.90
Purkinje Cell Antibody (Hu and Yo) PURK (B) 10 days 76.47
Angelman Syndrome (Primary Screen) – methylation test PWAM (A) [9] 10 days 570.98
Prader-Willi Syndrome (Primary Screen) – methylation test PWAM (A) [9] 10 days 570.98
Coeliac Disease – HLA DQ2/DQ8 Genotype Q2Q8 (A) [9] 10 days 240.93
HLA Tissue Typing Coeliac Disease – DQ2/DQ8 Q2Q8 (A) [9] 10 days 240.93
Calprotectin/QFIT Profile (Combined) (QFIT) QCAL QFIT 5 days 177.68
Calprotectin/QFIT Profile (Combined) (Self-collect) QCAL QFIT sample collection device 5 days 177.68
QFIT/Calprotectin Profile (Combined) (QFIT) QCAL QFIT 5 days 177.68
QFIT/Calprotectin Profile (Combined) (Self-collect) QCAL QFIT sample collection device 5 days 177.68
Cystine – Quantitative (Beta-CTX) QCYS PU 5 days 150.07
Q Fever (C Burnetti) Antibodies QFEV (B) [9] 10 days 83.38
Quantitative Faecal Immunochemical Test (QFIT) QFIT QFIT 1 day 69.00
Quantitative Faecal Immunochemical Test (QFIT) (Self-collect) QFIT QFIT sample collection device 1 day 69.00
HCG (Quantitative) (Venous) QHCG (B) 1 day 70.15
Pregnancy (Serum) [Quantitative] QHCG (B) 1 day 70.15
Hepatitis C Quantification (Viral Load) QPCR (A) or (B) 5 days 286.93
Bleeding and Platelet Gene Panel . Requires patient informed consent R90U (A) (A) [9] 12 weeks 1309.28
Inherited bleeding and platelet disorders (R90) R90U (A) (A) 12 weeks 1309.28
Thrombophilia with a likely monogenic cause (R97) R97U (A) (A) 12 weeks 1309.28
Rabies Antibody RABI (B) 20 days 185.15
Rapid Strep PCR (incl. m/c/s) RAPS Blue liquid Amies swab** 1-3 days** 96.03
Folate (Red Cell) RBCF (A) 2 days 60.38
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) – Red cell RBCF (A) 2 days 60.38
Zinc (Whole Blood) RBCZ (A) or (H) 5 days 62.10
Glucose RBG (G) 1 day 33.35
Glucose Challenge Test/Mini-GTT RBGM (G) 1 day 38.53
Bence-Jones Protein RBJP RU or CU 5 days 117.88
Retinol Binding Protein RBP (B) 3 days 76.47
Magnesium (Whole blood) RCMG (A) or (H) 4 days 111.55
Swab (Rectal) RECG STM / CS 2-4 days 93.15
Renin RENI (A) (Frozen plasma) [36] 5 days 154.10
Reticulocyte Count RETC (A) 1 day 38.53
Rheumatoid Factor (Latex Test) RF (B) 3 days 41.40
Rheumatology Profile 1 (Screen) RH (A)(B) 2 days 165.03
Rheumatology Profile 2 (Connective tissue) RH2 (A)(A)(B)(B) 3 days 487.60
Rheumatology Profile 3 (Rheumatoid/Basic) RH3 (A)(B) 2 days 238.63
Rheumatology Profile 4 (Systemic Lupus) RH4 (A)(B)(B) 2 days 366.85
Rheumatology Profile 5 (Mono Arthritis) RH5 (A)(A)(B)(B) 3 days 350.18
Rheumatology Profile 6 (Rheumatoid Plus) RH6 (B) 3 days 121.90
Rheumatology Profile 7 (Sjogren’s Syndrome) RH7 (B) 15 days 121.90
Sjogren’s Syndrome RH7 (B) 15 days 121.90
HIV Rapid RNA HIV-1 QUANTITATIVE RHIV (A) (Vacutainer only) 1 day 211.60
Rapid Xpert HIV-1 RNS Viral Load – Rapid Testing for HIV-Positive Patient Prognosis and Response To Antiretroviral Therapy RHIV (A) (Vacutainer only) 1 day 211.60
Hepatitis C Abs Confirmation (RIBA) RIBA (B) 5 days 216.78
Rickettsial Species Antibody Profile RICK (B) 7 days 133.98
Risperidone RISP (A) [4] 7 days 227.13
Anti-Xa Rivaroxaban Monitoring RIVA (C) (Frozen)* [18] 3 days 138.00
Mineral Screen (Whole blood) RMIN (H)(H) 5 days 248.40
Recurrent Miscarriage Profile (female) RMP (A)(A)(B)​(C)(C)(C)(H) [9] [18] 10-15 days 1277.08
RNA Polymerase Antibodies RNAP (B) 3 days 81.65
Osmolality (Urine) ROSM RU 1 day 59.23
Rotavirus in Stool by PCR ROTA RF 1 day 119.60
Porphyrin (Urine) RPOR RU [3] 3 weeks 194.35
RPR (Syphilis) RPR (B) 2 days 46.58
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Rectal (PCR) RSCG PCR 2 days 92.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Rectal (Self-collect) RSCG Aptima multisite swab 2 days 92.00
Renal Calculi Screen (Metabolic) RSPR J [6] 5 days 212.75
Gall Stone Analysis RSTA STONE 10 days 219.65
Renal Stone Analysis RSTA STONE 10 days 219.65
Reverse T3 RT3 (B) [7] [37] 15 days 156.40
T3 (Reverse) RT3 (B) [7] [37] 15 days 156.40
Retrograde Ejaculation RTRO Contact lab 2 days 113.28
5 HIAA RU5H PU (collect on acid) [1] 5 days 119.03
Aminolevulinic Acid (Urine) RUAL 100mls PU 5 days 81.08
Rubella Avidity RUAV (B) 1 week 173.65
Rubella Antibody (IgG) RUBE (B) 1 day 64.97
Rubella Antibody (IgM) RUBM (B) 1 day 92.00
Rubella PCR RUBP (A) / Amniotic Fluid 5 days 207.58
S100 Malignant Melanoma S100 (B) 4 days 158.70
Amyloidosis (Amyloid A Protein) SAA (B) 5 days 124.78
Salivary Duct Antibodies SAB (B) 15 days 71.88
Salicylates SALI (B) 1 day 67.28
Steroid Cell Antibody SCA (B) 2 days 111.55
Squamous Cell Carcinoma SCC (B) 4 days 243.23
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – PCR Swab SCG PCR 2 days 92.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Vaginal (Self-collect) SCG Aptima multisite swab 2 days 92.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea/Trichomonas – PCR Swab SCGT PCR 2 days 138.00
Scleroderma Immunoblot SCLI (B) 3 days 212.75
COVID-19 (SPIKE) Antibodies (Venous) SCOV SST/Serum (B) (Venous) 1 day 63.83
Crosslaps (Serum DPD) SDPD (B) (Freeze within 24 hours) 4 days 123.05
Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) – Serum SDPD (B) (Freeze within 24 hours) 4 days 123.05
Selenium (Serum) (Venous) SELE (B) 4 days 88.55
Sellotape Test SELL Send Sample*** 1 day 96.60
Syphilis IgG/IgM (Venous) SERJ (B) 1 day 75.33
Serotonin SERT (H)(H) (Frozen whole blood) [1] 10 days 155.25
Galactomanan (Aspergillus Antigen) SGAL (B) 2 weeks 190.33
Gonorrhoea – PCR swab SGON PCR 2 days 92.00
CT/GC/Trichomonas/Mgen – PCR Swab SGTM PCR Swab 2 days 138.00
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (Venous) SHBG (B) 1 day 75.33
Silver (Blood) SILV (B) 5 days 124.78
Sirolimus SIRO (A) 3 days 154.10
Pemphigus/Pemphigoid Autoantibodies SKAB (B) 2 days 75.33
Skin (Pemphigus/Pemphigoid) Autoantibodies SKAB (B) 2 days 75.33
Swab (Skin) SKIS STM 2-4 days 93.15
Serum Free Light Chains SLC (B) 5 days 376.05
Spinal Muscular Atrophy – SMN1 deletions/duplications SMA (A) [9] 10 days 567.53
Myoglobin (Serum) SMYO (B) 1 day 87.40
Superoxide Dismutase SODI (A) / (H) 5 days 123.05
IGF-1 (Somatomedin) SOMA (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] 1 day 113.28
Somatomedin (IGF-1) SOMA (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] 1 day 113.28
Chlamydia – PCR swab SPCR PCR 2 days 92.00
Sports/Performance Profile SPOR (A)(A)(A)(B)(B)(B)(B)(G)[K] [4] 5 days 635.38
Sputum for Routine Culture SPU1 SC 2-4 days 102.93
Sputum for TB Culture (AFB) SPU2 SC up to 8 weeks 102.93
TB Culture SPU2 SC up to 8 weeks 102.93
SRY (Sex-determining Region Y) SRY (A) [9] 2 days 234.03
STD1 M/F STD Quad (Urine and Serology) STD1 (B) FCRU 2 days 159.85
STD2 M/F STI Profile Plus (Urine and Serology) STD2 (B) FCRU (If culture swabs are needed please request separately) 4 days 456.55
STD3 Female STD Quad (PCR Swab and Serology) STD3 (B) PCR 2 days 159.85
STD4 Female STI Profile Plus (PCR Swab and Serology) STD4 (B) PCR (If culture swabs are needed please request separately) 4 days 456.55
STD5 Serology only STD5 (B) 1 day 174.80
STD6 Serology only without HIV STD6 (B) 1 day 163.88
STD8 Vaginitis/BV Profile using Culture & PCR Swab STD8 PCR and STM 3 days 172.50
Vaginitis/BV Profile (Culture & PCR) STD8 PCR and STM 3 days 172.50
Vaginitis/BV Profile using Culture & PCR Swab (Self-collect) STD8 Aptima multisite swab and Blue gel Amies swab 3-5 days 172.50
STD9 Symptomatic lesion sample using PCR Swab from lesion STD9 PCR Swab 7 days 150.07
HIV/HBV/HCV Screen by PCR/NAAT (10 days post exposure) STDX (A) 2 x 6mls or 2 x 4mls (Vacutainer only) 3 days 230.58
Strongyloides Antibodies STGA (B) 10 days 136.85
Stockholm3 STK3 (A) (A) 2 weeks 356.50
Stockholm3 Reflex STKR (A) (A) (B) 2 weeks 356.50
Striated/Skeletal Muscle Antibody STRA (B) 3 days 62.10
Streptomycin Levels STRM (F) 5 days 197.80
Stool Reducing Substances STRS RF [7] 2-3 weeks 63.25
Tryptase STRY (B) 2 days 181.13
Skin Antibodies by Immunofluorescence STSK (B) 1 month 282.90
HIV/HBV/HCV (Early detection by PCR/NAAT) with Syphilis STXX (B)(A) 2 x 6mls or 2 x 4mls 3 days 257.60
Sulpiride SULP (B) [4] 4 days 139.15
Synacthen Stimulation Test SYNA By appointment only 1 day 306.48
Syphilis by PCR (chancre) SYPS PCR 5 days 173.65
T3 T3 (B) 1 day 63.25
Thyroxine (T4) T4 (B) 1 day 58.08
Tissue Transglutaminase IgA (Coeliac) (Venous)** TAA (B) 2 days 76.47
Tissue Transglutaminase IgG TAAG (B) 5 days 90.28
Vitamin B12 (Total) TB12 (B) 1 day 66.13
TB (Pleural Fluid) TBCU SC up to 8 weeks 102.93
Thyroxine Binding Globulin TBG (B) (Frozen) 10 days 147.78
TB PCR (PCR detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and mutations for Rifampicin resistance) TBPC <span>All samples except blood cultures and urine, as clinically requested. </span> 1 day 228.85
TB Quantiferon®-TB Gold* TBQ4 Special tubes or (H) [1] 3 days 136.85
TB Slopes – Confirmation and Sensitivity TBSL TB slope (LJ medium-green) [6] up to 8 weeks 241.50
TB Culture (Urine) TBUR 3 x EMU up to 8 weeks 217.35
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Thin Prep TCG TPV 2 days 106.95
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea/Trichomonas – Thin Prep TCGT TPV 2 days 138.00
T cell Clonality Assay (TCR beta and TCR gamma) TCRA (A) or FFPE 2 weeks 510.60
HIV Therapeutic Drug Monitoring TDM J [1] 21 days 319.13
Toxoplasma Antibody Full Evaluation (IgM, Dye Test, IgG Avidity) TDYE (B) [9] 10 days 172.50
Teicoplanin Assay TEIC (B) 5 days 139.15
Temazepam TEMA (B) [4] 4 days 154.10
Testosterone (Venous) TEST (B) 1 day 63.25
Tetanus Antibody TETA (B) 5 days 128.80
Thyroid Profile 1 (FT4/TSH) (Venous) TF (B) 1 day 88.55
Thyroid Profile 2 (Venous) TF2 (B) 2 days 0.00
Thyroid Profile 3 (FT3/FT4/TSH) (Venous) TF3 (B) 1 day 125.93
Toxoplasma Antibodies (IgG, IgM) TFAM (B) [9] 1 day 94.88
Toxocara Antibodies (IgG) TFAT (B) [9] 5 days 94.88
Faecal Fat (1 day collection) TFFA LF [6] 5 days 185.15
Bancroftia/Oncerciasis/Filarial Antibodies TFIF (B) [14] 2 weeks 196.65
Thyroglobulin Assay TGA (B) 1 day 111.55
Thyroglobulin Abs TGAB (B) 1 day 64.97
6-Thioguanine Nucleotides TGN (A)(A) 2 weeks 208.73
Gonorrhoea – Thin Prep TGON TPV 2 days 106.95
N. gonorrhoea TGON TPV 2 days 106.95
CT/GC/Trichomonas/Mgen – Thin Prep TGTM TPV 2 days 138.00
Thyroid Abs (Thyroglobulin + Thyroid Peroxidase Abs) (Venous) THAB (B) 1 day 105.80
Thallium (Blood) THAL (A) / (H) 1 week 90.28
Theophylline THEO (B) 1 day 66.13
Thrombin Time THRO (C) [18] 1 day 40.25
Swab (Throat) THRS STM 2-4 days 93.15
Immune Function Evaluation (Total) TIE (A) + (B) [5] [10] 7 days 424.93
Total Immune Function Evaluation TIE (A) + (B) [5] [10] 7 days 424.93
Tissue for culture TISS Tissue sample up to 14 days 102.93
Tumour Necrosis Factor – Alpha TNF (B) (Frozen) [4] 2 weeks 212.75
Tobramycin Assay (Provide Clinical Details) TOBR (H) 3 days 248.40
Toluene (Blood) TOL J (Contact Referrals) 10 days 171.35
Topiramate (Topamax) TOPI (B) [4] 4 days 132.25
Torch Screen TORC (B) 2 days 228.28
Tissue Polypeptide Antigen TPA (B) 1 week 208.73
Chlamydia – Thin Prep TPCR TPV 2 days 106.95
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies/Anti TPO TPEX (B) 1 day 64.97
Thiopurine Methyl Transferase TPMT (A) [5] 5 days 173.65
TPHA TPPA (B) 2 days 46.58
Mineral Screen and Industrial Heavy Metal Screen (Trace Metals) TRAC (A)(B)(H)[K] 7-10 days 360.53
Trace Metal (Blood) Profile TRAC (A)(B)(H)[K] 7-10 days 360.53
Transferrin TRAN (B) 1 day 98.90
Transferrin Electrophoresis TREL (B) 2 weeks 317.40
Triglycerides TRI (B) 1 day 38.53
Trichinella Serology TRIC (B) 5 days 119.03
Trimipramine TRIM (A) 5 days 110.40
Troponin I (High sensitive) TROC (B) 1 day 115.00
Tropical Screen (from 6 weeks post-travel) TROP (B)(B) [9] [14] 10 days 263.93
Troponin T (High sensitive) TROT (B) 1 day 124.78
HIV-1 Tropism TRPM (A)(A) (2 x 6ml) 28 days 1194.28
Sleeping Sickness Serology (African Trypanosomiasis) TRYP (B) [9] 10 days 239.78
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Throat (PCR) TSCG PCR 2 days 92.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Throat (Self-collect) TSCG Aptima multisite swab 2 days 92.00
TSH (Venous) TSH (B) 1 day 63.25
TSH-Receptor Antibodies TSI (B) 4 days 190.33
Testicular Tumour Profile (LDH, AFP, HCQG) TTP (B) 1 day 154.10
Taipan Snake Venom Time TTVT (C)(C) [9] [18] 2-3 weeks 289.23
Tularaemia Antibodies TULA (B) [14] 5 days 123.05
Trichomonas vaginalis TVPC TPV 2 days 106.95
Trichomonas vaginalis (PCR) TVPC FCRU / PCR / TPV 2 days 106.95
Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) – Urine or Vaginal (Self-collect) TVPC Aptima urine or multisite swab 2 days 106.95
Toxoplasma by PCR TXAG (A) 5 days 197.80
Urea and Electrolytes U/E (B) 1 day 64.97
Urate (Uric acid) UA (B) 1 day 38.53
Uric Acid (Serum) UA (B) 1 day 38.53
Amino Acid Quantitative (Urine) UAAQ RU (Frozen) 7 days 414.58
Alcohol (Urine) UALC RU 1 day 97.75
Aldosterone (Urine) UALD PU 5 days 161.00
Amylase (Urine) UAMY CU 1 day 59.23
Beta 2 Microglobulin (Urine) UB2M RU 3 days 125.93
Urinary Bladder Cancer Antigen UBC RU (Freeze within 48 hours)** 5 days 106.95
Calcium (24 hour Urine) UCA PU or acid urine 1 day 38.53
Catecholamines (Urine) UCAT PU (collect on acid) [1] 5 days 181.13
Urine Chemistry, Microscopy and Culture (Self-collect) UCEM Urine (Universal &amp; Boric). Mid stream. 1-2 days 78.78
Urine for Microscopy and Culture UCEM MSU †††† 1-2 days 78.78
Citrate (Urine) UCIT CU (Frozen) 5 days 105.80
Cocaine (Urine) Screen UCOC RU 1 day 36.23
Cortisol (Urine) UCOR CU 5 days 90.28
Protein/Creatinine Ratio (Urine) UCPR RU 1 day 88.55
Creatinine (Urine) UCR CU 1 day 48.30
Urine Sugar Chromatography UCRO RU (Frozen) 3 weeks 211.60
Urine for Extended Culture UCXD MSU  †††† up to 7 days 169.05
DHEA – Urine (Dehydroepiandrosterone) UDHE CU 3 weeks 119.03
Electrolytes (Urine) UELE CU 1 day 50.03
Fluoride (Urine) UFL RU 5 days 138.00
Ureaplasma urealyticum by PCR UGEN FCRU / PCR / TPV 2 days 106.95
Urinary Methyl Histamine UHIT RU (Frozen) 2 weeks 148.93
Hydroxyprolene UHYD CU 2 weeks 114.43
Iodide – Urine UIOD RU 1 week 159.85
Urine Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio UMA RU 1 day 88.55
Melatonin (Urine) UMEL CU [13] 2 weeks 166.75
Metanephrines (Urine) UMEX PU (collect on acid) [1] 5 days 172.50
Urine (Microscopy Only) UMIC RU 1 day 60.38
Urine Chemistry and Microscopy (Self-collect) UMIC Urine (Universal). Mid stream. 1-2 days 60.38
Myoglobin (Urine) UMYO RU 5-10 days 123.05
Oligosaccharides UOLI RU 6 weeks 274.85
Opiate Screen (Urine) UOPI RU 2 days 69.00
Urine Organic Acids UORG RU (Frozen) 3 weeks 345.58
Oxalate (Urine) UOXA PU 5 days 103.50
Phosphate (24 hour Urine) UPH PU 1 day 50.03
Protein (Urine) UPRT CU 1 day 48.30
Cadmium (Urine) URCD RU [30] 5 days 96.03
Chromium (Urine) URCR RU [30] 4 weeks 84.53
Copper (Urine) URCU CU 5 days 71.88
Urine Cytology (Urine cytology containers available from TDL Supplies) URCY Urine (30mls) [21] 2 days 174.23
Urea (Venous) UREA (B) 1 day 38.53
Swab (Urethral) URES STM / CS 2-4 days 93.15
Mercury (Urine) URHG RU [1] 5 days 96.03
Magnesium (Urine) URMG PU 1 day 55.20
Lead (Urine) URPB RU 5 days 71.88
Thallium (Urine) URTH RU 1 week 90.28
Zinc (Urine) URZN CU 5 days 63.25
Bilharzia (Urine) USCH Mid-morning terminal urine following exercise [14] 1-2 days 84.53
Schistosoma (Urine) USCH Mid-morning terminal urine following exercise [14] 1-2 days 84.53
Serotonin (Urine) USER PU 50mls (Frozen) [1] 5 days 185.15
Silver (Urine) USIL RU 5 days 124.78
Urine Steroid Screen (Steroid Hormones) USTE CU [9] 2 weeks 967.73
Trichloracetic Acid (Urine) UTCA RU 5 days 166.75
Toluene (Urine) UTOL RU 10 days 220.80
Urea (Urine) UURE CU 1 day 38.53
Uric Acid (Urine) UURI CU 1 day 51.18
VMA UVMA PU [1] 5 days 87.40
Xylene – Urine UXYL RU [30] 2 weeks 124.78
Swab (Vaginal) VAGS STM / CS 2-4 days 93.15
Valproic Acid (Epilim) VALP (B) 1 day 66.13
Vancomycin Hydrochloride VANC (B) 1 day 110.40
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) VB5S (B) 5 days 159.85
Vitamin B Profile VBP (A)(A)(B) 5 days 546.83
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor VEGF (B) 14 days 261.63
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) VIB2 (A) 5 days 184.00
Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide) VIB3 (B) 5 days 184.00
Vigabatrin (Sabril) VIGA (A) 10 days 132.25
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Profile VIP1 (A) + (B) [10] 5 days 470.35
Viral Antibody Screen VIRA (B)(B) 2 days 218.50
Viscosity (Plasma) VISC (A)* [4] 3 days 69.00
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) VIT1 (A) 5 days 184.00
Vitamin Profile 2 VIT2 (A)(A)(A) [38] (B)(B)[7] [13] 5 days 570.98
Vitamin A (Retinol) VITA (B) 5 days 184.00
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) VITB (A) 5 days 184.00
Vitamin C (Active) VITC (B) (spun and frozen within 3 hours)* 5 days 184.00
Vitamin D (25-OH) (Venous) VITD (B) 1 day 96.03
Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) VITE (B) 5 days 192.63
Vitamin Profile 1 VITS (A)(B)(B) [7] 5 days 380.65
Vitamin K (Nutritional) VKN Serum (SST or (B)) * 5 days 104.65
Very Long Chain Fatty Acids VLCF (A) or (H) (Frozen) [9] 4-6 weeks 366.85
VLDL Cholesterol VLDL (B) [13] 1 week 98.90
Voltage Gated Potassium Channel Antibodies VPCA (B) 3 weeks 225.98
CSF Screen by PCR VPCR CSF 2 days 147.78
Viral Eye by PCR VPE PCR 3 days 147.78
Viral Respiratory RNA Screen by PCR VPR PCR or as specified on the form 2 days 377.20
Viral Respiratory RNA Screen by PCR (Self-collect) VPR Aptima multisite swab of nose/throat 2 days 377.20
Viral Skin/Mucosa by PCR VPSK PCR 5 days 132.25
Swab (Vulval) VULV STM / CS 2-4 days 93.15
Von Willebrands Multimers VWM (C)(C)(C) [18] 3 months 728.53
Varicella zoster Antibodies (IgM) VZOM (B) 1 day 92.00
Varicella zoster Antibodies (IgG) VZOS (B) 1 day 92.00
Varicella zoster – DNA VZPC (A) 5 days 328.33
West Nile Virus Abs WNV (B) 2 weeks 281.75
Swab (Wound) WOUS STM 2-4 days 93.15
Xanthine – Blood XANB (A) 2 weeks 125.93
Beta D Glucan XBDG (B) 3 days 150.07
DNA Extraction & Storage – 3 years (longer upon request) XDNA (A) [9] 20 days 212.18
Chromosome Y Deletion – AZFa, AZFb, AZFc + SRY YDEL (A) [9] 5 days 291.52
Y chromosome microdeletions – AZFa + AZFb + AZFc + SRY YDEL (A) [9] 5 days 291.52
Yellow Fever Antibodies YELL (B) [9] [14] 10 days 206.43
Yersinia Antibodies YERS (B) 4 days 208.73
Zika RT PCR – Window of detection from 1-7 days from onset of symptoms ZIKA (B) Up to 14 days 262.77
Zika RT PCR – Window of detection from 1-14 days from onset of symptoms ZIKU RU Up to 14 days 262.77
Zinc (Serum) ZINC [K] 2 days 59.23
Zika Abs IgM and IgG – Antibody detection from 15 days ZKAB (B) Up to 14 days 148.93
Alternaria Components ZZ1 (B) 2 days 81.08
Fish Components ZZ10 (B) 2 days 119.03
Hazelnut Components ZZ11 (B) 2 days 196.65
House Dust Mite Components ZZ12 (B) 2 days 156.40
Latex Components ZZ13 (B) 2 days 346.73
Olive Components ZZ14 (B) 2 days 81.08
Peach Components ZZ15 (B) 2 days 156.40
Peanut Components ZZ16 (B) 2 days 233.45
Shrimp Components ZZ17 (B) 2 days 81.08
Soybean Components ZZ18 (B) 2 days 156.40
Timothy Grass Components ZZ19 (B) 2 days 346.73
Aspergillus Components ZZ2 (B) 2 days 233.45
Birch Components ZZ3 (B) 2 days 196.65
Brazil Components ZZ4 (B) 2 days 81.08
Cat Components ZZ5 (B) 2 days 119.03
Celery Components ZZ6 (B) 2 days 81.08
Cow’s Milk Components ZZ7 (B) 2 days 233.45
Dog Components ZZ8 (B) 2 days 156.40
Egg Components ZZ9 (B) 2 days 233.45
Wall Pellitory Components ZZ20 (B) 2 days 81.08
Wheat Components ZZ21 (B) 2 days 158.70
PR-10 Proteins ZZ22 (B) 2 days 315.10
Lipid Transfer Proteins ZZ23 (B) 2 days 274.85
Profilins ZZ24 (B) 2 days 311.08
Polcalcins ZZ25 (B) 2 days 119.03
Seed Storage Proteins ZZ26 (B) 2 days 308.20
Glycan Determinants ZZ27 (B) 2 days 81.08
Lipocalins ZZ28 (B) 2 days 119.03
Parvalbumins ZZ29 (B) 2 days 119.03
Serum Albumins ZZ30 (B) 2 days 230.58
Tropomyosins ZZ31 (B) 2 days 119.03
Kiwi Components ZZ32 (B) 2 days 76.47
Venom Components ZZ33 (B) 2 days 188.03
Walnut Components ZZ34 (B) 2 days 119.03
Cashew Components ZZ35 (B) 2 days 81.08
Apple Components ZZ36 (B) 2 days 119.03
Alpha Gal Components (related to red meat) ZZ37 (B) 2 days 81.08
Horse Components ZZ38 (B) 2 days 46.58
Sesame Components ZZ39 (B) 2 days 46.58