Some signs of pregnancy can occur even in the early stages, usually about a week before you miss your period. If you suspect you may be pregnant, you can watch out for these signs, but you also need to get an HCG blood test near me and visit your ob-gyn to confirm if you are pregnant.
In the first 1 – 2 weeks of pregnancy, your breasts may feel extra tender. When you conceive, your body produces progesterone and oestrogen that makes the gland in your breast grow. The increase in these hormones makes the breasts retain more fluid, making them more heavy, sensitive and sore than the usual PMS tenderness.
Most women mistake cramping and backaches as the usual PMS symptoms, but they also occur in the early stages of pregnancy. These symptoms are due to uterine growth and hormonal changes. About 30% of women notice cramping when they conceive. The implantation of the fertilised egg on the uterine wall triggers cramping.
The uterus may also be a little stretched after implantation, causing cramps in preparation for the significant expansion throughout pregnancy.
Implantation of the fertilised egg into the uterine lining about 6 – 12 days following conception may cause light vaginal spotting. Many women mistake the spotting or implantation bleeding for their period, but it is usually lighter than menstruation. In most cases, implantation bleeding is pink or brown instead of red.
This early sign of pregnancy is harmless, but consult your doctor if you think you are pregnant to rule out other issues that may cause bleeding. Bleeding in the first trimester may be due to an ectopic pregnancy, certain infections and miscarriage.
In the first couple of weeks during pregnancy, the body works round the clock to support the pregnancy, so many women feel fatigued. The additional progesterone produced following conception causes a rise in basal body temperature, which may lead to a lack of energy.
The heart tends to pump faster to transport oxygen to the uterus, which may contribute to fatigue. Drinking plenty of fluids will help maintain your healthy blood pressure. You can also take prenatal vitamins and eat healthy foods. Resting is also important.
The nipple may become darker at the onset of pregnancy. Hormones produced during pregnancy affect melanocyte activities. The melanocytes are cells in the nipple responsible for its colour. Women of colour may not notice this sign until later in the pregnancy, usually around ten weeks.
Morning sickness affects about 85% of pregnant women in the first few weeks, but others experience it after a couple of weeks. Some women experience subtle motion sickness at the onset of pregnancy, usually two weeks following conception.
Progesterone slows down different body processes, including the digestive system. In some cases, it causes ingestion and constipation. Due to the stomach taking more time to empty, it tries to purge either through the mouth or gut.
The HCG hormone may also cause nausea. This hormone is detectable in a pregnant woman’s urine or blood. A Higher HCG level may indicate multiple pregnancies, making you feel sicker.
The spike in progesterone slows down the digestive rate, making your stomach feel bigger than usual. This is also common in PMS, but the bloating stops during your period, causing a drastic reduction in progesterone. If the bloating persists and you haven’t had your period, you may be pregnant.
Although frequent urination affects many women later in pregnancy, it may also be an early sign of pregnancy when the baby presses on the bladder. The swelling in the uterus can place pressure on the bladder, and the extra blood flow also makes you produce more urine.
You can’t do much when you experience a frequent urge to urinate early in pregnancy, except if it occurs with an urgency, burning or other signs of infection, but do not reduce your fluid intake.
Fatigue in the early stage of pregnancy may leave you needing extra calories to level up your energy for increased metabolism.
Pregnancy leads to an increased blood volume that may trigger frequent but mild headaches. The headaches may occur if you do not take enough fluids or are anaemic, but you need blood work if you experience these symptoms.
The headaches will be less frequent as the pregnancy progresses. Fluctuations of hormones usually make the headaches worse.
The hormones that cause bloating can also trigger constipation. Due to reduced activity in your digestive system, food may not clear up quickly, leading to constipation. This symptom may worsen as the pregnancy progresses.
The increase in HCG hormone causes fatigue, which affects your mood. Other symptoms like breast pain, constipation, headaches and bloating may also cause your mood swings.
Measuring your basal body temperature, which is your temperature when you first wake up, helps indicate your ovulation period, when you release an egg, your body temperature increases by about half a degree and remains elevated until you have your period.
If you’re keeping a record of your basal body temperature and do not notice a reduction for more than two weeks, you may be pregnant. A special digital basal thermometer is necessary because it gives a more accurate reading than the normal thermometers.
Congestion, post nasal drip, and bloody nose are common signs of pregnancy. These symptoms are due to an increase in blood pressure that places more pressure on the delicate vessels in your nose and an increase in hormones.
If you experience early signs of pregnancy, you will need a private HCG blood test near me at Private Blood Test London to confirm if you are pregnant. Visit our clinic today for your pregnancy test, or call 020 7183 0244 to book an appointment for your test.