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Blood in Urine (Hematuria) – Symptoms, Causes and Risk factors

Blood in urine, medically referred to as hematuria can be quite alarming, and can indicate a serious disorder; while, in some other cases, it may be entirely harmless. As the case may be, it shouldn’t be ignored. However, there are two types of hematuria:

  • Gross hematuria; occurs, when you can easily see the blood in your urine
  • Microscopic hematuria; blood in your urine can only be seen when using a microscope.

All cases of hematuria should be evaluated through a private blood test in London who can conduct tests to confirm the underlying cause of the situation at hand. However, each treatment procedure will depend on the cause of the illness.

Symptoms that may accompany hematuria

Gross hematuria symptoms are usually obvious. They may vary widely in appearance from light pink to deep red appearance with clots. Although the amount and appearance of blood in the urine may be different, the type and conditions that may cause these symptoms are often the same, and may require the same treatment process, evaluation and workup. People with gross hematuria should be able to visit a blood test clinic in London, when the above listed symptom occurs.

When to see the doctor

In many cases, blood in the urine is usually a major sign of gross hematuria. Nevertheless, you can Schedule an appointment for a blood tests and consultation with our doctor if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Decreased urinary force
  • Pain during urination
  • Urinary urgency
  • Pain in the flank.

Causes of hematuria

Blood in the urine are often caused by a number of factors in both men and women. However, avoid self diagnosis and visit a blood test clinic in London, if you think, you have hematuria.  Notwithstanding, the following are common causes of urinary bleeding:

  1. Kidney infections (pyelonephritis): when bacteria enter your kidney, from your bloodstream, or move from your ureters to your kidney, it may result to a kidney infection. Kidney infections may sometimes result to hematuria. However, the signs and symptoms of kidney infection are often similar to a bladder infection.
  2. Bladder infections: Bladder infections occur when bacteria enter the body through the urethra, while creating duplicates of itself within the bladder. When the infection occurs, it may result to pain during urination in adults, while infants with bladder infections may experience fever, lower belly pain, and urgency in urination.
  3. Kidney stones: sometimes, the minerals in concentrated urine may form crystals on the walls of your bladders or kidneys. When these crystals become small, they develop into hard stones. However, the stones are basically painless or rarely noticeable, until when they cause a blockage in the kidney area, this may result to some complications in the kidney, such as abdominal or pelvic pain. Kidney stones can also cause gross and microscopic hematuria in both men and women.
  4. Enlarged prostate: enlarged prostate are common cause of hematuria, since it is often seen around the urethra, the tube that the urine flows out of. If care is not taken, it can clamp down on the urethra and restrict the flow of urine from the bladder. An excessively enlarged prostate may result to a disease known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. Major symptoms of an enlarged prostate may include the following:
  • Frequent urination
  • Urinary leakage
  • Urinary tract infection
  1. Kidney disease: microscopic urinary bleeding is majorly caused by glomerulonephritis, and involves the inflammation of the kidney filtering system. It is often grouped as part of a systemic disease like diabetes.
  2. Cancer: kidney or prostate cancer can also result to blood in the urine. Unfortunately, there are no basic symptoms of these cancers when they are more treatable. It is often advised that you visit a private blood test clinic in London or you consult your GP whenever you notice any abnormalities in your system.
  3. Inherited disorders: when patients come for blood tests and consultation with our doctor, we ensure that medical and family histories are taking into consideration. This is because inherited disorders like sickle cell anaemia often results to both visible and microscopic hematuria.
  4. Medications: some medications can lead to urinary bleeding .we have recorded few cases of anticoagulant such as aspirin, leading to urinary bleeding. Take note that drugs can not only make the urine appear reddish, but may sometimes appear orange, green or even black. These are some of the drugs that can easily alter the colour of your urine:
  • Pyridium or phenazopyridine (often used for urine infections)
  • Rifampin; used in treating tuberculosis
  • Aldomet; for regulating blood pressure.
  • Vitamin B supplements
  1. Kidney injury: injury to the kidney from an accident or contact sports can also result to visible blood in your urine.
  2. Strenuous exercise: as funny as this may appear, strenuous exercises like aerobics and intense workouts can sometimes lead to gross hematuria; although, in rare cases. However, when it does occur, they are sometimes linked to dehydration or trauma to the bladder. If you notice blood in your urine after severe exercise, it is advised that you visit a blood test clinic in London to be sure of your assertion.

Risk factors of hematuria

Almost anyone including all age groups can develop hematuria, but you are more likely to have it, if you:

  • Age: research suggests that men that are 50 years of age and above are more liable to have an enlarged prostate gland, which may result to urinary bleeding
  • Strenuous exercise: Strenuous exercises are often prone to exercise induced urinary bleeding.
  • Drugs and medications: certain medications and drugs can also increase your risk of urinary bleeding. Few examples may include: aspirins and antibiotics.
  • Infections: some infections, such as kidney and bladder infections can increase your risk of developing visible urinary bleeding.
  • Family history: your chances or risks of developing urinary bleeding can as well be high, if you have family history of kidney disease or kidney stones. Other health issues like sickle cell anaemia can also increase your risk of visible urinary bleeding.